yeah actually that would be great, could you email them off to jzakhar at gmail dot com and ill put them in one zip and toss up instructions for people.. also make sure you add your name to the files you modified ;p
Need Help...
I used the normal VBulletin V3.65 not the advanced one. Where do i have to put the files in? Here? ../forum/vbcms_global_modules ?
I do so and thats the result
Need Help...
I used the normal VBulletin V3.65 not the advanced one. Where do i have to put the files in? Here? ../forum/vbcms_global_modules ?
I do so and thats the result
Well until today, id never heard of VBCMS before, and all the information I can find on google is in German, which I dont speak. I am sure it could be made to work, but with out having access to the application I really cannot help you.
This is the problem that I'm having. I'm going into the admincp, changing the .php file to recruit.php, clean file on, shell template on, going to the portal (vBadvanced) and editing the info for it, coming back to the admin cp and setting class_recruit.php, and when I go back to the portal the recruitment box is gone. Any idea what's going on? I tried switching the files around to find the right combination, but nothing worked.
This is the problem that I'm having. I'm going into the admincp, changing the .php file to recruit.php, clean file on, shell template on, going to the portal (vBadvanced) and editing the info for it, coming back to the admin cp and setting class_recruit.php, and when I go back to the portal the recruitment box is gone. Any idea what's going on? I tried switching the files around to find the right combination, but nothing worked.
Having some trouble following your process there. did you create the new template to hold all the html for recruit.php ?
The admin php template works fine. However, the first template you said to create does not. When I create it, and reload my page I get:
Content Encoding Error (content_encoding_error)
The content header contains different encoding than what was expected....
Any reason why this might be occurring?
The step that this is creating the issue at is:
Add a php module to vbCMPS, add the file functions_recruit.php, under templates used put 'adv_portal_functions_recruit', clean file output to off, use module shell template to no.
If I set the clean file output to on, I get no errors and nothing shows up period. If I change the php file to a template file, I get no errors, I see all of the classes but get no class counts.
I fixed my issue. If anyone encounters this issue, go to your cpadmin, vboptions, and find the http headers options. Turn off "gzip".
Fixed and everything working properly.
Interesting so compressing the output errors it, I will take a look, since that is a pretty common option to have enabled. Thanks for the feedback on that one.