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Ventrilo Status v1.0
Version: 1.1, by magnus magnus is offline
Developer Last Online: Feb 2012 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.4 Rating:
Released: 04-18-2006 Last Update: 03-30-2008 Installs: 107
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

Keywords: Ventrilo, Voice, Chat, VoIP, FORUMHOME

Displays clients connected to your Ventrilo server on your FORUMHOME -- similar to that of "Who's Online".
Basically, this is a modified version of the publically available PHP Ventrilo Status Scripts. This version, however, has been modified to allow for direct vBulletin integration. All settings are managed through the AdminCP and all output is configured via templates.

Usage of this script requires knowledge of Ventrilo server administration. Your server must first be configured to receive and process UDP messages. This can be done in the server's INI file under the [Status] section. All server versions 2.1.2 and higher come with examples showing the options available to you. However, the UDP support is disabled by default so that they are compliant with older versions. Reference the "ventrilo_srv.htm" file that accompanies the server package for more details.

This thread on vBulletin.org will not address proper server configuration or server related connectivity issues, for all questions relating to those topics or similar, please visit the official Ventrilo Tech Support forums.

1. Download the attached archive and import the product-ventrilo_status.xml file via the Product Manager.

2. Upload the files located in the archive to their respective folders.

3. Obtain the ventrilo_status* (or ventrilo_status.exe for Win32 platforms) and put it in a preferred location (ie. /forum/) and CHMOD the file to 755.

4. Configure the options via your AdminCP (vBulletin Options > Ventrilo Status Settings)
Version History:
  • 1.0 - Initial release, here's to hoping...
  • 1.1
    • Patched a theoretical XSS vulnerability. By theoretical, I mean the script would only be vulnerable under a specific set of circumstances which are less likely to occur than that of your server being directly hit by an errant meteor. However, if you're the paranoid sort, feel free to upgrade. Otherwise, there are no other changes.

* The file ventrilo_status(.exe) is NOT included with this package as it is distributed with the Ventrilo server package (Linux/Win32). If you are not personally hosting your Ventrilo server and instead using a hosting company, you can obtain this file by downloading the appropriate package here. You ONLY need the ventrilo_status(.exe) file.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-05-2006, 03:29 PM
Flybye Flybye is offline
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Originally Posted by magnus
1. Download the attached archive and import the product-ventrilo_status.xml file via the Product Manager.
Can someone please tell me where in ACP 3.6.2 is this Product Manager?
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Old 11-05-2006, 07:26 PM
edfig edfig is offline
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Once in your ADMIN CP scroll towards the bottom... Think it's called plug/product manager.
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Old 11-06-2006, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by edfig
When i mouse over the link it tells me:

There does not seem to be any place to reference the server name...

I'm also really needing to know which ports the ventrilo_status component is using.... My Host Company is willing to open the ports if I knew which ports...
The servername isn't something you define in the plugin. It's read directly from the server. Once the server is configured properly, that problem will resolve itself.

Before you can issue status requests to a Ventrilo server
you must first configure the Ventrilo server to receive and
process UDP messages. This can be done in the servers INI
file under that [Status] section. All servers version 2.1.2
or higher come with examples showing all of the options.
However, the UDP support is disabled by default so that they
are compliant with older versions. You must read the
"ventrilo_srv.htm" file that comes with each of the servers
in order to understand what and how to configure the
[Status] section of the server. We will give examples here
but we will not be addressing the advanced options to
prevent server abuse. This is your responsibility and you
can only learn how to do it by reading the ventrilo_srv.htm
file and having a working knowledge about network interface
cards, IP addresses and network administration. If you do
not have these skills then you should let someone more
qualified configure the server for you.

In the ventrilo_srv.ini file and under the [Status] section
you should:

Uncomment the example Intf= by removing the # sign in
front of it. This will enable processing of all UDP messages
from all network cards in the system.

Comment out all of the FilterGen and FilterDetail lines.
This can be done by placing a # sign in front of them.

After changing the INI file you will need to restart the
Ventrilo server.
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Old 11-07-2006, 03:25 AM
edfig edfig is offline
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So, to be clear on what I have done:

1) Uploaded the php files as instructed.

2) ventrilo_status was uploaded to the vb directory.

3) Applied the correct vent server info in the admin cp.

4) I had my webserver host open the port.

5) Note: My vent server is NOT on the webserver (2 separate servers)

6) You said if the "Vent Server" is configured it should resolve the issue. What can I tell my vent host to configure? They claim that the appropriate messages are enabled....

.................................................. .............................. .....

I think the part I am missing is in the ventrilo_status file... Should I run that? Is there a "how-to" on that? Will this file run without being local on the actual ventrilo server?
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Old 11-07-2006, 02:17 PM
Flybye Flybye is offline
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Originally Posted by edfig
Once in your ADMIN CP scroll towards the bottom... Think it's called plug/product manager.

Well, I uploaded all the server files to my vb 3.6.2., did the 755 to ventrillo_status, and installed the xml file giving it a product id of ventrilo_status

In the Manage Products - Installed Products, I see the Ventrillo product I installed.

But I can't see it anywhere in the vBulletin Options section.
So any ideas?

BTW, I haven't played with the Vent server's ini file just yet, if it makes any difference at the moment. I just want to see if I can get vB to work with your script first, and then I'll try to take care of the Vent stuff.
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by edfig
4) I had my webserver host open the port.
There is no 'port' to open.

Originally Posted by edfig
5) Note: My vent server is NOT on the webserver (2 separate servers)
This is fine. This is how my setup is.

6) You said if the "Vent Server" is configured it should resolve the issue. What can I tell my vent host to configure? They claim that the appropriate messages are enabled....
The only thing your ventrilo host is responsible for is the settings in the [Status] section of the ventrilo_srv.ini file, which is outlined above in my previous post (quoted directly from the server manual).

I think the part I am missing is in the ventrilo_status file... Should I run that? Is there a "how-to" on that? Will this file run without being local on the actual ventrilo server?
The ventrilo_status binary is called by the plugin. Attempting to execute the binary will do nothing without the appropriate command line. There's nothing you need to do with it aside from download it and set the correct permissions.

Just be sure you've downloaded the appropriate binary for your respective operating system (Linux, FreeBSD, Win32, etc.) and set the permissions to (CHMOD 755).
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Flybye

Well, I uploaded all the server files to my vb 3.6.2., did the 755 to ventrillo_status, and installed the xml file giving it a product id of ventrilo_status

In the Manage Products - Installed Products, I see the Ventrillo product I installed.

But I can't see it anywhere in the vBulletin Options section.
So any ideas?

BTW, I haven't played with the Vent server's ini file just yet, if it makes any difference at the moment. I just want to see if I can get vB to work with your script first, and then I'll try to take care of the Vent stuff.
What do you mean, '[gave] it a product id of ventrilo_status'? That's not something you should be modifying. It's applied by the product automatically.
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:51 PM
Flybye Flybye is offline
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Yeah you're right. I just simply deleted the first product I installed. Installed it again this time leaving the ID blank, and now am able to see it in the vBulletin Options.

I'm sorry I'm such a newb when it comes to this
So how do I create a template to display the information?
Am I to use the Vent status scripts in any way? I also downloaded them in case I need them.

BTW, a vBadvanced module would be VERY NICE

Also, my Vent server is shared by a lot of people. Is it possible to only display a specific channel?
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Old 11-12-2006, 04:27 AM
edfig edfig is offline
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Originally Posted by magnus
There is no 'port' to open.

This is fine. This is how my setup is.

The only thing your ventrilo host is responsible for is the settings in the [Status] section of the ventrilo_srv.ini file, which is outlined above in my previous post (quoted directly from the server manual).

The ventrilo_status binary is called by the plugin. Attempting to execute the binary will do nothing without the appropriate command line. There's nothing you need to do with it aside from download it and set the correct permissions.

Just be sure you've downloaded the appropriate binary for your respective operating system (Linux, FreeBSD, Win32, etc.) and set the permissions to (CHMOD 755).
Hmmmm.... Ok... I've done these things.

Presently when I mouse over the vent link it still shows the "servername=" as blank.... I have a hard time understanding where that comes from. It's not in the config (ADMINCP).... It's not stated in that "status" binary file... Where does it come from?!?! I believe you said at once point it comes from the Vent server itself.... How does that work if all we have on my webserver side is the "Server IP" and the port + password... Where is it getting the vent server name?

Sorry, I just can't understand how I can possibly be having such a hard time. hehe When I read this initially it sounded like... Copy this there... download this there.... and POOF! hehe Well, I'm definately missing something here.

I have the Linux version of the ventrilo_status file... and confirmed that is what my webhost is using.
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Old 11-14-2006, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by edfig View Post
Hmmmm.... Ok... I've done these things.

Presently when I mouse over the vent link it still shows the "servername=" as blank.... I have a hard time understanding where that comes from. It's not in the config (ADMINCP).... It's not stated in that "status" binary file... Where does it come from?!?! I believe you said at once point it comes from the Vent server itself.... How does that work if all we have on my webserver side is the "Server IP" and the port + password... Where is it getting the vent server name?
This hack is basically nothing more than the PHP Ventrilo Status Script available from ventrilo.com, but with an added vB frontend.

The script connects to the "Server IP" you set, which should be the IP address to your Ventrilo server NOT the IP address of your webserver, and grabs the server name from the Ventrilo server itself.
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