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Adsense Revenue Sharing Hack 1.1 (0 queries version) Details »»
Adsense Revenue Sharing Hack 1.1 (0 queries version)
Version: 1.00, by AlexanderT AlexanderT is offline
Developer Last Online: Jul 2021 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.7 Rating:
Released: 04-27-2005 Last Update: Never Installs: 48
No support by the author.

Upgrade 1.1 notice:
The upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 is optional; it makes sure ads don't display in private messages. Thanks to venomx for the tip.

Hack Description:
This hack will allow you to offer Google Adsense revenue sharing to your vBulletin board users. Revenue sharing is a great way to reward your board members for their loyalty and adds a feeling of ownership in the board and it's success. Revenue is split between board administrator and thread starters. The percentage of probability is customizable by the administrator.

This hack is fundamentally the same like this hack; however, it adds some customization plus does not use any additional queries!

I wrote this hack a couple of months ago and didn't know there was any interest for it (you certainly don't want to spend money on something that doesn't take much time to code).

My time is *very* limited so I am not good at giving support. I hope the instruction included is self-explanatory. It is easy to expand the hack to your needs.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-31-2005, 05:31 PM
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I have emailed Google about this program and they said that it is absolutely not allowed as it is against the TOS. If you read the first response that google gave it is clear that they did not have the slightest clue what this program actually does.
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Old 08-16-2005, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Attilitus
I have emailed Google about this program and they said that it is absolutely not allowed as it is against the TOS. If you read the first response that google gave it is clear that they did not have the slightest clue what this program actually does.
post email then please!.
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Old 08-26-2005, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Attilitus
I have emailed Google about this program and they said that it is absolutely not allowed as it is against the TOS. If you read the first response that google gave it is clear that they did not have the slightest clue what this program actually does.
Their answer was pretty clear to me: ...you may continue displaying ads from different publishers on your site...we ask that you not place ads from two different accounts on the same web page.

So how does this hack "absolutely" violate their TOS?
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Old 08-27-2005, 05:05 PM
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Hello John,

Thank you for your email and for your concerns to remain compliant with
our program policies and Terms and Conditions.

We reviewed your request, and unfortunately we cannot grant permission to proceed with the situation described below. Doing so would be in violations of our Terms and Conditions.

We appreciate your checking in with us on this matter.

For additional questions, please visit our AdSense Support site at https://www.google.com/support/adsense or feel free to reply to this email.

We'd also like to encourage you to let us know how we can improve our customer support. Please take a few minutes to fill out our brief survey at http://www.insightexpress.com/s/Goog...tposition=true.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


The Google AdSense Team

To access the Google AdSense home page or to log in to your account, please visit: https://www.google.com/adsense

Original Message Follows:
From: "John Smith" <John@smith.com>
Subject: Regarding "incentives for clicking"
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 19:17:39 -0000

I am considering installing a program onto my message board website that
would give topic makers a percentage of the ad revenue that was gained
from within their threads.

I was wondering if this would be a violation of the incentive ban, as I am
not asking them to click the ads I am merely giving them incentive to make
popular topics that recieve alot of traffic.

My concern is that this could be seen as a way of encouraging the topic
maker from clicking the ads within their topic in order to recieve their
percentage of that revenue. I would of course disallow this but I still
fear that because I am putting my trust into other people that I could be
liable for their abuse of the Adsense program.

First, is a program in which people are encouraged to create topics that
recieve alot of traffic in return for a percentage of my Adsense revenue
gained from that topic allowed?

Second, If that is allowed how would I ensure that such a system does not
become abusive.

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Old 08-27-2005, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Attilitus
Hello John,

Thank you for your email and for your concerns to remain compliant with
our program policies and Terms and Conditions.

We reviewed your request, and unfortunately we cannot grant permission to proceed with the situation described below. Doing so would be in violations of our Terms and Conditions.

We appreciate your checking in with us on this matter.

For additional questions, please visit our AdSense Support site at https://www.google.com/support/adsense or feel free to reply to this email.

We'd also like to encourage you to let us know how we can improve our customer support. Please take a few minutes to fill out our brief survey at http://www.insightexpress.com/s/Goog...tposition=true.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


The Google AdSense Team

To access the Google AdSense home page or to log in to your account, please visit: https://www.google.com/adsense

Original Message Follows:
From: "John Smith" <John@smith.com>
Subject: Regarding "incentives for clicking"
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 19:17:39 -0000

I am considering installing a program onto my message board website that
would give topic makers a percentage of the ad revenue that was gained
from within their threads.

I was wondering if this would be a violation of the incentive ban, as I am
not asking them to click the ads I am merely giving them incentive to make
popular topics that recieve alot of traffic.

My concern is that this could be seen as a way of encouraging the topic
maker from clicking the ads within their topic in order to recieve their
percentage of that revenue. I would of course disallow this but I still
fear that because I am putting my trust into other people that I could be
liable for their abuse of the Adsense program.

First, is a program in which people are encouraged to create topics that
recieve alot of traffic in return for a percentage of my Adsense revenue
gained from that topic allowed?

Second, If that is allowed how would I ensure that such a system does not
become abusive.

Your making it like if I post something in your site and had this adshare thing with you, that my ad would only appear in that thread and not rotate with other ads from google's.
Yeh, then that would be a problem if that happened.
You should of told them that the ad rotates and it is not possible to know who's ad it is until it is clicked on.

I am going to talk to these guy's, cause I already ask and it was alright back when AlexanderT created it. Now, you are saying it other wise??.

One more thing on this, I know their is one you have to pay $200+ for a simular script and they are cleared by google's absence. I think it is how you word it was the problem.
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Old 08-30-2005, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Attilitus
I am considering installing a program onto my message board website that would give topic makers a percentage of the ad revenue that was gained from within their threads.
John, this is not how the hack works. Whenever the hack picks the topic maker's client ID, the topic maker receives ALL of the ad revenue, not just a percentage. The percentage is only used to determine how often his client ID is used. Notice however that Google said specifically in my inquiry that while you can do this, you must not use additional GoogleAds with your own client ID attributed to it on the same page. In other words, you must guarantee that GoogeAds of only one GoogleAds client are shown on the page at one time.
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Old 08-30-2005, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by AlexanderT
John, this is not how the hack works. Whenever the hack picks the topic maker's client ID, the topic maker receives ALL of the ad revenue, not just a percentage. The percentage is only used to determine how often his client ID is used. Notice however that Google said specifically in my inquiry that while you can do this, you must not use additional GoogleAds with your own client ID attributed to it on the same page. In other words, you must guarantee that GoogeAds of only one GoogleAds client are shown on the page at one time.
Here is what they said reguarding this Absense Code Hack from AlexanderT & this code is free unless you want to purchase the $200.00+ version that is approved by Google. Here is the responce I got.

Hello Bond,

Thanks for letting us know of your intentions. 

I understand you'd like clarification regarding displaying ads on a web
page that contains ads associated with another Google AdSense customer
(e.g. a web hosting company).

If a website is in compliance with our program policies
(http://www.google.com/adsense/policies ) and the company or owner has
given you permission to display ads on their site, you may place your ad
code along with the other publisher's ad code on the same page. You will,
however, need to contact your web hosting company or the owner of the
website to obtain permission to display ads on their website.
Additionally, including your ads in a rotation is not in violation of our
program policies. 

Please keep in mind that a maximum of three regular ad units and one link
unit may be placed on one web page. In addition, please be aware that
every publisher is responsible for the content of a website on which their
ad code is placed. If a website is found in violation of our program
policies, we will notify any publisher(s) whose ad code is on the website,
and ask you to remove the Google code from that page.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For additional questions, please visit our AdSense Support site at
https://www.google.com/support/adsense or feel free to reply to this

We'd also like to encourage you to let us know how we can improve our
customer support. Please take a few minutes to fill out our brief survey
at http://www.insightexpress.com/s/Google.asp?uid=8&resetposition=true. 

Your input is greatly appreciated.


The Google AdSense Team

To access the Google AdSense home page or to log in to your account,
please visit: https://www.google.com/adsense

Original Message Follows:
From: "Bond" <James@Bond.MI5>
Subject: Other
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 20:18:48 -0000

I like to know if a program that rotates ads from different Google AdSence
Client ID's is allowed. It rotates ads so you do not know who's ad it is.
I like to share my pub=# to certain webmaster's sites that have this
software script running in their forum. It randomly makes your ad appear
for what ever the webmaster set it at. If I had my ad at another
webmaster's site and then sets my google's ads to appear 50% of the time
or divide among how many webmaster's join this ad sharing script.
I did seen a script that is more complicated than this, and it had
Google's approvel. I like to know if it goes against your TOS rules or is
it alright or do I need that complicated script to participate.


Language: en
AdSenseLocale: en_US
Name: Bond
URL: http://www.theundergroundsource.com/forums
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Old 09-05-2005, 06:12 PM
KoC KoC is offline
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I this also complatible with vbulletin 3.5.0 RC 2?
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Old 09-06-2005, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by KoC
I this also complatible with vbulletin 3.5.0 RC 2?
vbulletin 3.5.0 RC 3 now and soon vbulletin 3.5.0 RC 4 then it maybe Gold
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Old 10-01-2005, 04:10 PM
forumrating forumrating is offline
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wil this code run for vb 3.5 gold latest version ?
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Old 10-06-2005, 04:34 AM
b65ran b65ran is offline
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Originally Posted by googleforum.in
wil this code run for vb 3.5 gold latest version ?
I am also interested in learnning, if it is going to be ok with 3.5?
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Old 10-18-2005, 07:48 PM
italks italks is offline
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still no replies.
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Old 10-26-2005, 11:46 PM
aspen0 aspen0 is offline
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How to turn off ads if its your own

In postbit.... change the first conditional to include the bold bit

<if condition="($post['postid'] == $GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']) AND ($bbuserinfo['field5'] != $post['ad_client_id'])">
With that small change a user will not be shown an ad if it is their own adcode. Hence, no stray clicks.
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Old 11-11-2005, 01:40 AM
softstor softstor is offline
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I read that there is a $200 hack that is appoved by google.

Which hack(s) has been approved by google?
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Old 11-14-2005, 09:27 AM
MrGeeK MrGeeK is offline
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FYI: I've just now managed to get this to work with 3.51, I've hacked and slashed and munged my way through.

I'll pm AlexanderT and check that it's ok to release it. (warning first time I've done any kind of VB mod, I don't promise it will do more than take up disk space!)
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