You can only limit Battle Types' access to certain items. To do this, create a Battle Type and move chosen classes into this Type. Then, edit Item Type and check the boxes for the items that you wish certain Battle Types to have.
The host i run my board on just updated to PHP ver 5 now im having problems with 2 of my hacks, this one and Statistik.
Both seem to be related becuase i get the same error.
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/bogans/public_html/includes/init.php on line 519
Hmmm apparently my "wrong stats" problem persists. The one where after "updating stats" the MA turns incorrect, even upon entering battle. For some reason it somehow adjusts back after some time.
A new thing I've come across though is that in editing the item categories' order, all of the items within that category will have its attack/heal and/or MA cost reset. I don't know if this is the exact cause of it but I believe it has something to do with it at least.
The host i run my board on just updated to PHP ver 5 now im having problems with 2 of my hacks, this one and Statistik.
Both seem to be related becuase i get the same error.
I get it in everything except healing Centre
My hack does not modify init.php, nor does it use the array_merge().
I have php5.0.2 on my localhost and can run everything fine.
Try this, though:
Go to your line 519, and check what the arguement #2 is for the array_merge() (for instance,
PHP Code:
$specialtemplates = array_merge(array(
// ## <ucs>
// ## </ucs>
), $specialtemplates);
// where $specialtemplates is the 2nd arguement
and just ABOVE the array_merge(), input this:
PHP Code:
$[arg] = array();
//where [arg] is the arguement you found above
Originally Posted by RMS
Hmmm apparently my "wrong stats" problem persists. The one where after "updating stats" the MA turns incorrect, even upon entering battle. For some reason it somehow adjusts back after some time.
A new thing I've come across though is that in editing the item categories' order, all of the items within that category will have its attack/heal and/or MA cost reset. I don't know if this is the exact cause of it but I believe it has something to do with it at least.
If your modifiers are set correctly, then I cant really say antyhing more. Your the only one I know of with this problem :lick:
It all appears to be working correctly excpet for 1 problem, when I try to add a new lottery, and enter all the fields, it comes back "You need to enter all fields corretly" and goes back to add new lottery. Can't find any othr probs as yet.
I've made a change to the adminlottery.php as Revan said via IM but it still doesan't fix the problem.
It all appears to be working correctly excpet for 1 problem, when I try to add a new lottery, and enter all the fields, it comes back "You need to enter all fields corretly" and goes back to add new lottery. Can't find any othr probs as yet.
I've made a change to the adminlottery.php as Revan said via IM but it still doesan't fix the problem.
right it's working now, but how do people get to all the options for the lottery, etc. Do I need to add the link in my navbar?