- Aligned text and images for a cleaner look
- Changed dropdown to contain mood images instead of text, with admin option
- Added optional auto replace for postbit and postbit legacy templates
UPDATES ON 08/10/2006
- Changed how the dropdown menu looks slighty, better I think.
- One of the plugins was left inactive by mistake, now active.
which resulted in dead mood images e.g. cross displayed in IE
- Fixed a few mood names / images, so are the same.
- Added a few NEW mood images, thanks to GlitterKill
UPDATES ON 22/09/2006
Simply Import the product and make sure you select "allow overwrite"
- No Mood option added
- User Moods will no longer disaply in postbit if moods are disabled.
- thanks to basilrath for the moods.
What is It?
It allows users to set a personal mood, which can be changed without reloading the page. The moodis displayed in the members profile and postbit.
However, images and moods disappearing int he pull down box when you are the vbadvancedpage, gallery, arcade etc is annoying does it have some hook system.
however, that fix still does not fix the issue regarding this hack looking for the ajax.php outside the forum directory - that needs to be fixed in the plugin. If you don't believe me try looking at your server's error log - I bet you will see a lot of errors there about the ajax.php not being found (while using this hack)
I did the manual edits, but that is not compliant with vbadvanced. to be compliant with vbadvanced it needs to be:
however, that fix still does not fix the issue regarding this hack looking for the ajax.php outside the forum directory - that needs to be fixed in the plugin. If you don't believe me try looking at your server's error log - I bet you will see a lot of errors there about the ajax.php not being found (while using this hack)
If you are not using vBAdvanced, this add-on works fine and does not produce that error. Thus, your conclusion that this add-on needs to be fixed seems somewhat dubious. It would appear that it is vBAdvanced that is causing your error, n'est-ce pas?
If you are not using vBAdvanced, this add-on works fine and does not produce that error. Thus, your conclusion that this add-on needs to be fixed seems somewhat dubious. It would appear that it is vBAdvanced that is causing your error, n'est-ce pas?
Well, considering that vbAdvanced is the single most popular CMPS for vBulletin it is kind of silly not to want your hacks to be compliant. The fact is that "$vboptions[bburl]/" is a vBulletin phrase/option and not a vbAdvanced option/phrase. The language is already built in to vBulletin, so why not use it when writing a hack, it it will make your hack more compliant with other very popular mods? Also, the way the code is written, this error will occur with ANYONE that uses a CMPS, not just vbAdvanced.