well, what you can possibly do is change the character sprites so that it shows the power rangers instead of the classical rpg characters, as for weapons, that one would be more difficult, you would have to get someone to modify all of the imtems to fit shows. As for the bosses, i dont know.
Well I have a clean vB3 right now, brand new never edited 1 bit, I'll install this and see what I can do, if worst comes to worst, I'll just redo my vB no biggy.
uhh glitchy glitch, i don't think illever use a RPG hack their just too betay for my liking ... anyways back to the start of a clean vB without a RPG sorry but not for me.
if anyone wants to help me mod this for a PR site PM me
yeah, i think that is it, i just dont how how to import the templates or phrases to the ACP, i am really new to vBulletin so i really dont know how this thing works. But i mean, nothing works, i cant see staats in posts, i cant edit the rpg stats, and when i try to change something it says "can not find [whatever i was trying to change".
(umm, i also installed this before i installed ucash and ushop, so that also might be a problem =/ )
If you are sure you imported the phrases and templates (instructions on how to do so is clearly written in the readme), and did all file and template edits, then it does work.
Thats all I can say.
Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
Is it possible to reset all characters but keep everything else?
If thats not an option in the Reset page, then it cant be done.
There seems to be something wrong with the restocking in my itemshop. The restocking time is at the default of one week. It's been over a week and nothing seems to have restocked. Did I forget to set something?
Also, I don't suppose it'd be possible now or perhaps in the future to set different max stocks for the item types would it? For example, I would like something around 20 HP potions to stock up each week but only 3 or 4 of certain weapons.
OK, thanks for the help in the installation, and i know i am getting to be a annoyment, but i have some other few problems. First, the main forum does not show the links to all the places like the RPG CP or the Heal.php or the clan.php or all of those. Also, in the posts, i can not see the stats as it should normaly show them. You know, like the image of the character, the exp and the hp and mp and pp, it does not show them in the posts. I would like to see if you could help me with this,.
Will i need to add the uCash uShop system in order to gain money from the RPG?
You will need to install uCS to not have the RPG spawn errors all over the place
Originally Posted by RMS
There seems to be something wrong with the restocking in my itemshop. The restocking time is at the default of one week. It's been over a week and nothing seems to have restocked. Did I forget to set something?
Also, I don't suppose it'd be possible now or perhaps in the future to set different max stocks for the item types would it? For example, I would like something around 20 HP potions to stock up each week but only 3 or 4 of certain weapons.
It picks a random number between your min stock and max stock and adds to that stock.
Im not sure about v2, but in v3 it restocks whenever your stock is below the min stock number. Im also adding restocking option from ACP, and option to turn auto restock off.
Originally Posted by Osiris2k
OK, thanks for the help in the installation, and i know i am getting to be a annoyment, but i have some other few problems. First, the main forum does not show the links to all the places like the RPG CP or the Heal.php or the clan.php or all of those. Also, in the posts, i can not see the stats as it should normaly show them. You know, like the image of the character, the exp and the hp and mp and pp, it does not show them in the posts. I would like to see if you could help me with this,.
You need to install one of the Navbar addons to show navbar items.
You need to upload the images to have them show on your server :lick:
umm, i do have the images uploaded, but it still does not appear in the post. I have attached my showpost.php and showthread.php maybe there is a mistake there so i want to see if you can take a look at it and see if you can find what i did wrong.
You are not allowed to attach complete vbulletin files.
But I can tell you that in order to get the rpg hack working, it would be helpful if you actually did the file edits as instructed in the readme.... :lick:
Will v3 be upgradable from 2.5.3? I sincerely hope so because I've made a heap of edits to get RPG installed (only to not use it :P Well my testers did, but not the public members)? Please say yes!
If it's too early to answer this then I'll understand.