Eh hehe I'm back again.
It seems I have a different problem with my the character MA this time.
For some reason I think there's some reason with the modifier for it. After I update my stats after changing class or something it seems to count my MA only from elements.
So basically it would decrease my MA to something it shouldn't be. I've checked it with other characters afterwards and found that everyone else who hasn't done this still has what seems like the right amount.
Thanks, it worked, but is there any way to have it automatically update the stats after each battle?
I will add this to v3
Im sorry but I cannot provide a way of doing it with v2, because the way stats is calculated is very different between the two versions, and adding such a mod to v2 would require at least 100 lines of code, as opposed to 2 lines of code in v3
Originally Posted by RMS
Eh hehe I'm back again.
It seems I have a different problem with my the character MA this time.
For some reason I think there's some reason with the modifier for it. After I update my stats after changing class or something it seems to count my MA only from elements.
So basically it would decrease my MA to something it shouldn't be. I've checked it with other characters afterwards and found that everyone else who hasn't done this still has what seems like the right amount.
I know the stats calculations are fecked up in v2, but I have never encountered THIS.... :ermm:
But I can tell you that Classes and MA are not linked together, IIRC.
If you look in the ACP, you wont find a way to set Class MA modifier, will you
Oh, all I meant was that when I check "update stats" even if I don't do anything the MA will change. I think it then resets itself back correctly after battle. I don't believe this even happens all the time. I don't know, it's weird.
ok, question here and i would apreciate if you would answer this guy in need of help. I [tried] to install the hack, but it does not show nothing in the index or the posts or nothing. It shows the functions in the admin cp but i can not start battles, can not update rpg info in proflile, but the link is there, and i can not see the itemshop. I am having trouble with the cash mod as well(although i know that this is not the place, perhaps you can help me with this). If you would like to visit the forum and see what kind of errors i am getting, go to thanks for your help in advance
yeah, i think that is it, i just dont how how to import the templates or phrases to the ACP, i am really new to vBulletin so i really dont know how this thing works. But i mean, nothing works, i cant see staats in posts, i cant edit the rpg stats, and when i try to change something it says "can not find [whatever i was trying to change".
(umm, i also installed this before i installed ucash and ushop, so that also might be a problem =/ )
ok, i uploaded the template file in the ACP(a friend tole me how to do it), but i can not upload the phrases. This is what happens.
EDIT: Removed the thing. I uloaded and installed both the language and the phrases, but the same thing happens, i can not battle or do anything of the sort.
Hey I am opening a Power Ranger based community. How hard would this be to customize it to suit that? I really have no good ideas, but it'd be cool if people could battle each other, and also when their board have some type of battle system to battle all prevoius villans from the shows. Any takes on this? Anyone love PRs too and want to help me hehe reply or pm with any info thanks!
well, what you can possibly do is change the character sprites so that it shows the power rangers instead of the classical rpg characters, as for weapons, that one would be more difficult, you would have to get someone to modify all of the imtems to fit shows. As for the bosses, i dont know.