About this hack:
This hack allows you to set a thread as 'must read' by your members. Right now, if you make a post and want all your members to read it, you have no way of enforcing it. This hack will give an error message similar to the one you get when you need to change you password, saying that the admins want you to read a certain thread before they continue using the forum.
Once a user reads a thread, they wont be bugged to read it again.
You can set all usergroups or just certain onces that must read a thread.
You can set to site wide or just some forums.
Option to Force Guests
This hack added one query to every page on your forum a member goes to.
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 2 (1 via ACP, 2 via FTP)
Time to install: 1 minute
Version 2.0 (03/05/08):
First Release of this Hack for vb3.7
MAJOR update. Hack totally re-writen. You must uninstall old version before upgrading.
Fixed just about all bugs. (like if you delete a thread...)
No more template edit. Everything done in ACP.
Permissions for by who ever has ACP access with threads and posts
Force Guests to read a thread now.
Works for BOTH vb3.6 AND vb3.7
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
Older version as in this one or one previous to this?
The one previous to this, unfortunately I didn't save the zip file of the previous version so I had to uninstall the hack completely, don't know if the author or anyone else still has the previous version.
I installed the hack and it works proper like it should.
Thanks for your great afford and work for this community.
Anyone out there who can help me to make a little workaround?
I want to have the option to force user to read it when I do create a thread and not to have to go to the ACP
I have a little imagination about it:
Pseudo Code Start
if conditional groupid (there we go and place admins and mods groupid)
Checkbox for "Force User to Read" & dropdown to check the groups to force
if end
Pseudo Code End
Anyone out there who can help me a little further?
We do have 3 Admins, 3 Coaches and 5 from Orga who sould be able to use the function without having (all of them) permission to the ACP and it seems to be quite more comfortable for me.
The one previous to this, unfortunately I didn't save the zip file of the previous version so I had to uninstall the hack completely, don't know if the author or anyone else still has the previous version.
Well atleast I know it is not just me that has the problem. I would really like to use this mod since it would be great for my site but its stinks that it shuts the site down.
Installed the hack, and got the message it is installed. It shows up in the product manager, I have it in the VBulletin options, and the plugin is "active'
However, I do not get that extra tab in the collumn underneath "threads and posts" that enables me to force members to read a thread. What is wrong and how can I remedie it?
However, I do not get that extra tab in the collumn underneath "threads and posts" that enables me to force members to read a thread. What is wrong and how can I remedie it?
You have to go to the Admin cp to use it, bit of a schlep really as you have to know the thread ID before you do that.
You have to go to the Admin cp to use it, bit of a schlep really as you have to know the thread ID before you do that.
Thanks, but that is the problem: in the AdminCP I do not get that option. I have tried both versions of the hack, and it says they are active, I have it in the VBullletin options, but I cannot get the encircled option in the threadstab.
Installed it on my 3.8.4p1 and my server load went through the roof to the point where the board stopped responding. Once I disabled this mod the load went right back down to normal. I only have 4 other mods installed (mobile detection, threadban user, phpadsnew and vipers youtube hack).