Hopefully you dont have hundreds of items under one specific category, cos all this does is seperate each category
I tried to do a break operation countermeasure in case you do have hundreds in one category, but I couldnt find a way to make a "second page" so you could actually edit the others... meh
Ill put this problem up in the dev board, maybe someone in team knows howto
Next version wont be out till long time, but anyways:
Ive sent out an email with an update to everyone who has problems with the profile.php timing out, and Im gonna go post it in the addons post for these cheap mofos that wouldnt click install.
I dare you to make many a items with stats for boards with lazy owners such as me
High stats preferable :P
Moar ideas!!!
Character / Spell / Item animations?
Drop down for item image select in admincp (you dont have to hardcode it, Petz has it :P (I dont use petz so :P))
Pre-Made Spells
Easier Control in admincp kinda like this
Item Create Section
Item Name : [Box for item name]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Sorry, this question may have been asked and anwser once before, but I have my weapons set to be in battle mode and not in non-battle. For some reason, everytime we use a weapon....we miss. We have not been able to hit with weapons at all, just punching. Am I missing something in the RPG settings? I can't seem to find it if I am.
I edited my sig, so perhaps you see your answer more clearly now
Which addon/hotfix is it?
If its the [vB 3.0.3] - User select RPG postbit.txt, how do I do the first thing "ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `rpgstats` CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';" I'm not a SQL guy, so let me know what I need to do.
If its the [vB 3.0.3] - User select RPG postbit.txt, how do I do the first thing "ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `rpgstats` CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';" I'm not a SQL guy, so let me know what I need to do.
Thanks again..
You can run it through "execute SQL query" in your acp, provided you have the neccesary permissions in config.php
Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
Hey Revan!11!
I dare you to make many a items with stats for boards with lazy owners such as me
High stats preferable :P
Moar ideas!!!
Character / Spell / Item animations?
Drop down for item image select in admincp (you dont have to hardcode it, Petz has it :P (I dont use petz so :P))
Pre-Made Spells
Easier Control in admincp kinda like this
Item Create Section
Item Name : [Box for item name]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Other stuff : [Box for other stuff]
Nah I wont make an items list, but I will make a way to import/export items lists, so others can make for you (you lazy bastard)
I been told that dropdown for the image selecting adds high loading times cos its much html, so I prefer to write an extensive Admin Help section that covers all the pre-made items.
Pre-made spells, same answer as item list lol
And that easier control in acp... not sure I know what you mean but that setup looks like the way it will be.
Originally Posted by korny
Sorry, this question may have been asked and anwser once before, but I have my weapons set to be in battle mode and not in non-battle. For some reason, everytime we use a weapon....we miss. We have not been able to hit with weapons at all, just punching. Am I missing something in the RPG settings? I can't seem to find it if I am.
Thanks again
Well, that is a rare problem... hit chances are calculated based on Speed and Evade, but I will take a look at the calculations before v3 is out