Version: 1.00, by b6gm6n
Developer Last Online: Aug 2014
Version: Unknown
Released: 06-08-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 35
No support by the author.
Well, it's been a ride seeing all you nice folks appreciate my work.
I gotta say if you read my last post in this thread you'll understand why i'm doing this...
doing what? - starting my own site silly, to distrubute my skins...and why not?
You guys gave me to confidence to do so, thankyou.
I'm not a mercenary, just trying my best is all, but if you like what i do i'll have my own site for you to come and view, it'll be an instant download system with concentrated support if you need it, custom jobs...the works.
It's a new site, so if your up for giving me some advice, i could use it i suppose, pop by or send me a PM or something, i'll be happy to listen to some good ideas and chew the cud so to speak.
Well, i hope i haven't disapointed you you all, wasn't my intension, i just hope you can support me in my desision, you've been great thus far, been a privilege to serve.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
House_of_Crazed, i wanna screeny and maybe a link...have you tried looking the the vbdatabase for actual vba copyright text template html code? sounds weird but it might be in there...anyways, i wanna help you...
I installed your style and it look really really great... btw, can you let me know which version of vB3 this style based on??? I download it 6 hrs ago, so I can update changed templates... thanks...
According to the database, it says the following for adv_portal_footer
HTML Code:
<!-- Do NOT remove this copyright notice. Doing so is a violation of your user agreement! --><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\">" . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[powered_by_vbadvanced_cmps]", "$vba_options[portal_version]") . "</div>
So, lol ... I'm sitting here going crazy, *laughs*
go through the vba index template remove the copywrite and or <br> or whatever it is and the phrase in the database, and just manually add it in the footer
I don't know exactly but a lot of 3.0.1 templates are not done in Hardwired, so I just want to know which template version Hardwired is based on, so I can update thoroughly...
The importer said it was designed for v.3.0.0 after I forgot to click ignore style version
Anyway, I'm completely lost here. Adding that code in the xtra table code textfile in what I thought were the appropriate places just made things worse. I've seen this style used on vBACMPS on other sites, I'm wondering how they got it to work
Ok, I think I've got it... my only problem now is the navbar at the top... but I'm kind of inclined to leave it as it is. I'm having the same problem as House of Crazed though... as i wander off laughing maniacaly
It's showing up, but not fully extended to both sides.
I think I got that one figured out man. Just went and looked at your site, I was having the same troubles Change the height to 20 pixels instead of 300, and then copy this into your adv_portal_footer.