Version: 1.00, by x3n0
Developer Last Online: Sep 2008
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 05-08-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 20
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
No modifications to your existing forums!
This single file enhancement allows one to seamlessly integrate vBulletin 3 with Nik's awesome FREE zz:FlashChat PHP/mySQL Flash based GUI chat. zz:FlashChat supports flash smiley events, MP3 sound/music events, and flash animation events, private messages, admin login, and configurable reduced moderator login.
Online demo of integration is at (registration required - Try U: goner P: goner):
Naturally registration is required to see the chat. No email verification is used so you remain anonymous at my counter culture adult oriented site. Use a fake email addy if you please.
Install zz:FlashChat as per Nik's included instructions. The install need not reside within your forums tree. The database tables can also be added to your existing vB database and need not reside in a separate database. I cannot provide support for zz:FlashChat.
UnRAR the integration file "member.php" and edit all the paths to reflect where you installed vB and zz:FlashChat. Save and upload to your zz:FlashChat directory. Calling this script from within vbulletin will use the existing vB security to only allow registered vB members to join your chat. Chat member info is encrypted while in chat. Logged out/Unregistered users will be redirected to your forum registration page. Javascript pop-ups can be used to call the chat script. Index.php and login.php should be deleted from the chat directory to prevent back doors from remaining open.
I've also included a script that can enable you to display "Who's in Chat?" from any other vB page by calling users.php from the chat directory. I use it in the left sidebar at my forumhome:
Please give me feedback and URLs if you install this. I'll try and work out the inevitable bugs.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I did all of these, and I still can't get the who's online working. Anybody succeeded this?
Where in your directory tree does the chat program reside? Are you calling the script 'member.php' to run the chat, or did you rename it to something else?
Where in your directory tree does the chat program reside? Are you calling the script 'member.php' to run the chat, or did you rename it to something else?
chat program resides in ~/public_html/chat
forum resides in ~/public_html/forums
I am using member.php
should I move the chat folder inside the forums folder?
[edit] I tried to put
include (../forums/global.php);
into the chat/member.php . Then the 'who's online' display works properly. but then I can't get into the chat.[/edit[
Are you changing back to the correct chat path after the include of global.php?
yes sir
and thenafter when I go to member.php I cannot login to chat. It just leaves me logged out.
But when I am at that very screen, if I check the who's online with another account I can see myself in chat.
I have this three lines in member.php
I have the cookies enabled (well, both forum and chat cookies, otherwise they wouldn't work, would they?). btw what do cookies have anything to do with who's online?
For $5 this flash based chat SMOKES the one in this thread and integrates with the member database easily (the author provides the info for vb integration). I've used it for a month or so and my members love it.
I have to agree about this script. I had no problems with the integration of the zz-flashchat. The darn chat just didn't work right.