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Old 08-27-2002, 09:32 PM
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Originally posted by Lanigironu
I'm sorry to have to say this, John, but if that incredibly simple hack required 65 pages of support (at least 20 of which were strictly arcade hack discussion of course), then it's your own fault for releasing such a buggy hack.

I myself am a beginner at PHP, so I am not one to say when code is good or bad. However, a certain advanced user from this message board told me that your hack was written in a horrible way. That user managed to nearly halve the amount of queries without losing any functionality or compromising security. Now that's something. Even I found a way to get rid of at least 4 queries just by looking at the code.

The quality of your work is what led to 65 pages of support, not the incompetence of people. If you spent time making the hack better, it would not be a problem.

Now judging from just that hack (since you haven't released anything else), I woulld never entrust my money in you to get another one from you, it would probably be just as messy and inefficient code-wise.

The fact that your hack is so simple is another problem. When Overgrow started selling the Karma hack, he had it integrated into nearly every aspect of the message board and site. He also installed it for you, so I am told. What you are giving is a very simple hack (hell, it took me 10 minutes to edit that Snake game you have and have it working perfectly with the leaderboard and all) that is not impressive in any way.

You really did bring it up on yourself.
Most of it wasn't support jackass. He wrote the script, can you right a secure script like his in 10 inutes? I would be amazed if you did it in 2 weeks. Kiss my ass, you ++++tard.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:40 PM
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His security features were inefficient and cumbersome. They added unnecessary queries.

And yes, I can write a script like his, even better, but I decided to aid futureal make his better instead of writing one from scratch.

I could write a script like that in one day, and I am a begginer. I'm sure somebody like FireFly could easily write the whole Arcade hack in one hour.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:41 PM
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Fine then. Post it here tommorow, I would like to see how much you'd rip off his.

Oh, they were cumbersome, unnecesary? Go ahead and attempt to cheat on one of them.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:43 PM
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What really is childish is deleting the hack and running away.

I can't believe you thought you didn't at least 'entice' others into thinking you were going to release the arcade hack publically...

In Erwin's first thread, which is where you got the idea, you mentioned you were going to install the leaderboard [which you did], then you said the next thing to come for us was the Store Integration [because you already said you had it - we, uh, saw the SS], be patient you said...then it turned out to not be that and just be a full blown aracde thing...fine...then it's a pay hack...

...and you're supporting it in THESE forums.

Karma was incredible and was worth the $30 - As I said, I have no problem paying for a hack that I feel deserves it...but yours was a let down - in my opinion of course.

Well, I guess it's true, what begins big, crashes big.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:44 PM
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I offered to release the arcade hack zootsuit, but I don't have the time to support it.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:44 PM
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Hey, Link, where you been, my friend? I was wondering when you would show up in here. I'll admit that Lanigironu might have went a little far with that one but we all need to keep a cool head here. And as far as the code, if I remember right, Erwin wrote the original code to the tetris hack.

Glad to see you around here.

Originally posted by Link14716

Most of it wasn't support jackass. He wrote the script, can you right a secure script like his in 10 inutes? I would be amazed if you did it in 2 weeks. Kiss my ass, you ++++tard.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:46 PM
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Originally posted by zootsuit
What really is childish is deleting the hack and running away.
No, I'm just tired of the whole thing. Sheesh, first I can't keep it open, then I can't keep it closed!

If you want the arcade hack, ask me for it. Simple. I'm not releasing it on vb.org, because apparently I'm not allowed to.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:47 PM
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Originally posted by Boofo
But how many hacks and help has John gotten from here that he was not charged for or had to pay any "donation" and this is how he pays all of that back to the community? We should all be here to help one another and have some fun while doing it. If someone wants to "sell" their hack, fine, just do it on their own site and don't involve the community here. It's a cheap shot to take advantage of the users here by baiting. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

And anyone who releases hacks without any support is not a whole lot better. Because then, instead of charging for the hack, you will have to pay for the support. How many hacks have you gotten from here that did not have support?
Boofo, that's a bit out of order. John has put alot back in by way of his first tetris/Leaderboard hack. :ermm:
Old 08-27-2002, 09:53 PM
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Lanigironu, count your people and social skills as also being at the beginner level.

You so great
You are so mighty
You are so young

.....and it shows.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:55 PM
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And it was 65 pages of "interest" and not support. God, all you kids are spoiling this. Jealous that some other kids got more pocket money so they could pay John a tenner.

Life is set to disappoint.
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