Version: 1.00, by Hotte
Developer Last Online: Jan 2006
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-06-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 64
No support by the author.
I´ve wrote a little hack upon request of my "Main"-Moderators.
This hack allows them to temporary ban a given user per Userid. Simply userid, reason and how many hours. The banned user will see a modified no-permission screen when he tries to login. The User can automaticly access the board again, when the entered time is over.
For the other hackers: Feel free to modify the hack and distribute a "better" version of this if you want.
Sry for my bad english.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Is there a way that this hack can use Board Time instead of Server time? My server is 2 timezones away and it's confusing when a ban is only for a few hours.
I integrated it into my banning system. It's only relevant for my site. I renamed it and made it a "suspend" feature rather than call it banning, and added it into the postbit of threads for easy suspension and unsuspension. Made it all accessible from the admin, mod CPs, as well as via the staff forums. etc. etc. Just made it more functional. I do that with most hacks I install.
It is possible to allow a moderator to ban an user ONLY from his forum? I mean, there are many forums with many moderators, so if one bans an user, that user will not be able to see the rest of the forums for a specified period. Am i right?
This hack based on 'user access mask' will be a useful tool for me. This 'general banning' method is not quite appropiate for my forum.
Does anybody here know how to change this hack so that it provides REVERSED countdown in a specific forum? Example: User ABC is granted access to forum#15 for a period of 150 hours. After expiration of these 150 hours he cannot access forum#15 again, unless he gets new permission from mod.
However, when I try to set a ban I get this after submitting:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/choicein/public_html/forums/admin/adminfunctions.php3:19) in /home/choicein/public_html/forums/mod/banuser.php3 on line 37
Can anyone offer some assistance as to where I went wrong?
line 37 that it refers to says:
Header("Location: ".$PHP_SELF); // so that F5 works
Erwin: I see you have modified this hack, please could you post up an updated super cool version?
From what I've seen, the hack would be better if it was like this:
You have a link in postbit, only viewable to those who can actually use it. Those who can use it should be those you give the right to use it...I want supermods and admins.
When you get to the ban screen, you should have a drop down with "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months" and even "years"...and then a box after to say how many of selected.
It should be made so those who CAN use this feature CANNOT ban anyone who CAN use this feature
If Erwin doesn't want to do this, maybe someone else could?