Version: 4.0.3, by Jaxel
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 04-20-2010
Last Update: 08-13-2010
Installs: 113
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Don't forget to click INSTALL!
I'm an unemployed computer programmer... if you appreciate the work I have done on this mod, please don't hesitate in offering me a donation by clicking the "Support Developer" link to the right of this text.
This mod is a complete rewrite of ShiningArcanine's Microstats mod for vB3.5x.
ShiningArcanine is gone. Sadly that means his mods will never get updated. As well, by policy here at, no one has the right to update his mod to make it compatible for newer versions of vB without his express permission... which we won't be able to get because we can't get in contact him. Therefore I have completely rewritten this mod. I copied nothing from ShiningArcanine's original mod; instead I went through vB's built in debug functions and used their code as an example.
Server Support
Right now this mod only supports "@exec(uptime)" for retrieving server load. If I get enough requests for other load average systems, I will add them in time.
AdminCP>Plugins & Products> Plugin Manager>Add New Plugin
Product: your_productname
Hook Location: cache_tmeplates
Title: title of your product/plugin
Plugin PHP Code:
//like showthread, forumdisplay, or if it's on all pages then remove the if statement
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'WhereScriptRuns')
$cache[] = 'template_name';
The Server Uptime is not working correctly. This 2 lines are in the space of 6 minutes.
It should also be showing months, which it is not. Any idea how to fix this?
This might have something to do with it?
Server Support
Right now this mod only supports "@exec(uptime)" for retrieving server load. If I get enough requests for other load average systems, I will add them in time.
AdminCP>Plugins & Products> Plugin Manager>Add New Plugin
Product: your_productname
Hook Location: cache_tmeplates
Title: title of your product/plugin
Plugin PHP Code:
//like showthread, forumdisplay, or if it's on all pages then remove the if statement
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'WhereScriptRuns')
$cache[] = 'template_name';
Tried this and failed, I have an uncached template forumhome_addon which I believe is part of photopost pro, I added the product name etc but its still showing as not cached?
Tried this and failed, I have an uncached template forumhome_addon which I believe is part of photopost pro, I added the product name etc but its still showing as not cached?
I posted a fix for this @ photopost
I am not surprised good old chuck didn't update it ..