Version: 2.00, by Atakan KOC
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 10-27-2008
Last Update: Never
Installs: 355
Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Google Adsense Postbit Integration
Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-googleadsensei.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'
Modifications Info
Plugin : 2 Phrases : 12 Template : 1 Setting : 5
Google Adsense Postbit Setting
Go to your admin cp, then:
vBulletin Options -> Google Adsense Postbit Integration ->
Versions: v1.0 - 30 July 2007
-First release
v1.1 - 31 July 2007
- Usergroup Permissions Added
v1.2 - 31 July 2007
- Usergroup Permissions Problem Fixed
v1.3 - 20 December 2007
- "Sponsored Links" Phrase added
- small template change
- vBulletin 3.7 released
By me it is not working on VB4 do you plan to make it work for Vb4?
I am loving it i hope to be able to use it on Vb4
Thanks in advance for your prompt response
I second this. Had it working before I upgraded and would love to have it back with 4.0. I can't stand the limitations of the only 4 places for ads that are built into 4.0
If you want the ad to appear twice in a thread then you just need to edit the plugin code, Google Adsense Postbit Integration > postbit_display_complete find this bit of code
PHP Code:
if ($post[postcount] % $vbulletin->options[maxposts] == $google_sira and !$GLOBALS['vbulletin']->GPC['ajax']) { eval('$template_hook[postbit_end] .= "' . fetch_template('gaip_code1') . '";'); }
and add below this code (editing 19 to your choice)...
PHP Code:
if ($post[postcount] % $vbulletin->options[maxposts] == 19 and !$GLOBALS['vbulletin']->GPC['ajax']) { eval('$template_hook[postbit_end] .= "' . fetch_template('gaip_code1') . '";'); }
That would, in our case, add it after the 19th post as well as the one specified in the options section. Obviously this is a bit of an ugly solution, as you have to hard code in the post number (but it works on all pages, i.e. the 19th post on each page not just the first one) but I hope it helps others.
We really need the user group permissions capability of this kind of mod, so is there any chance it will be upgraded for v4, as there doesn't seem to be a v4 adsense mod that does this.
is there a way to run a rotation of different scripts?
Like adsense , some affiliate banner, amazon.. and have it rotate between the three different blocks of code?
Would be great to add option to disable it for some forums or even threads by IDs as some forums can be nonGoogle friendly and they can BAN your account for it (just got email about that)!