Version: 1.04, by
Developer Last Online: Feb 2018
Version: 3.6.7
Released: 04-19-2007
Last Update: 06-09-2007
Installs: 335
Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Update: Aerohead is being supported by ForumMonkeys in this thread. Please direct all questions in that thread.
Aerohead is a trendy, modern-looking skin that gives off a great vibe, perfect for any community. The skin's neatly organized layout will simplify your forum's learning curve and make your members even happier than before. While this was designed with usability in mind, it also maintains pleasing aesthetics, giving your forum the shine needed to attain stardom!
I should also mention that Aerohead is a free skin from The "Design by" copyright link may not be removed and this skin may not be redistributed without explicit, written permission. Please respect our copyright wishes by leaving the link intact as this allows us to continue contributing free vBulletin skins to the community.
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I would move the adsense someone where maybe under the nav bar or at the end of the post and try to get some forum sponsors for that area.
Oh don't worry I don't plan on using adsense on the site at all if possible. I have some other stuff to go in the top right corner but I want it not to be fluch against the top right corner like it is now.
One possibly silly question: how do I enable the 'Remember me' checkbox next to the top login fields? This is present in the default style, but I don't see an option to enable or disable this, so it may be buried in the forum template.
Also getting weird error, shown in IE error box, not in threads box.. Just created a test thread, which isn't shown on latest threads
I believe you need at least 8 threads before they show up as the script pulls the latest 8. You can always change the number by editing latestthreads.js in the /aero/misc/ directory.
Originally Posted by VG Pros
Which part of this do we edit to bring it down some. You can see on my site HERE that the adsense is too high.
You will need to edit Main CSS. Scroll to the bottom and in the second "additional CSS definitions" box, find this line:
As my left menu is now main menu could you just give me one instance small html file as a main header,a link then separator and where they all go..if not too much trouble.Don't mean it too be a html course just not too advanced in all the tags etc.
Sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean. Could you please clarify? A screenshot would help clear things up for me..