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XEON Mp3 Player in vBadvanced Center Block
![]() Developer Last Online: Apr 2016 ![]() ![]()
Adding the XEON Mp3 Player to vBadvanced CMPS Coded by Syrus XL MediaCenter Block Only CMPS Installation Digital Port UK Addon for the XEON Mp3 Player (vBulletin Integration version) These instructions are based on vBulletin 3.6.2 and using CMPS 2.2.x The template code uses the flashobject.js to call the xeon flash player, this fixes the issue with view the player in Internet Explorer 6.0 and above. There is some text in the code ?Warning!!! To view this XEON Player please enable JavaScript and Flash! ?, this will only display if a person views your site with javascript and flash disabled. You can change this line of text to what you would like to display to your visitors. The flashobject.js file will detect if the person has javascript and flash enabled, and will either display the text or the Xeon player automatically. [high]Note:[/high] These instructions assume you have installed the vBa CMPS in the Forum root. If you have installed outside the forum root, then the calls to the flashobject.js and the xeon.swf file will need updated relative paths. [high]Color Matching the background:[/high] You will see in the code a HEX value '#666666' this parameter determines the background color of the player. Change this to another value, if you require an alternative color background. Ideal program for color capture in HEX and RGB values is Color Cop (do a search on Google), this is a free little utility. [high]Creating the CMPS Block[/high] Login in to AdminCP -> vBa CMPS -> Add Module Select Module Type: ?Template? [high]Template details:[/high] Module Title: XEON Player (Change this if required) Column: Left or Right (Your preference) Display Order: (Your preference) Active: Yes Update All Pages: (Your preference) Template to Include: adv_portal_vbxeonplayer Style: (select your style you wish to add this module to) Template Content: Copy and paste all of the following code: Code:
<!-- Start XEON Player --> <tr> <script type="text/javascript" src="flashobject.js"></script> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td class="$getbgrow"> <!-- js flashobject --> <div align="center" width="100%" id="xeon_player"> Warning!!! To view this vbMp3 Player please enable JavaScript and Flash! </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var fo = new FlashObject("xeon_mp3_beta.swf", "xeon_player", "450", "400", "8,0,0,0", "#666666"); fo.addParam("quality", "high"); fo.write("xeon_player"); </script> <!-- js flashobject --> </td> </tr> <!-- End XEON Player --> Set Usergroups as you wish. Click Save and you are finished. If you wish to be kept up-to-date with new enhancements to this modification please click Install. This mod is supported only at CMPS DEMO: No longer available for this modification Supporters / CoAuthors Show Your Support
Comments |
It didn't work.
My portal is at The jukebox is in the very top left. This is my headinclude template after the edit. The edit makes a reference to clientscript/flashobject.js, but I don't have that file in there. Am I supposed to? Code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" /> <meta name="generator" content="vBulletin $vboptions[templateversion]" /> <if condition="$show['threadinfo']"> <meta name="keywords" content="$threadinfo[title], $vboptions[keywords]" /> <meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$threadinfo[title] $foruminfo[title_clean]" /> <else /> <if condition="$show['foruminfo']"> <meta name="keywords" content="$foruminfo[title_clean], $vboptions[keywords]" /> <meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$foruminfo[description_clean]" /> <else /> <meta name="keywords" content="$vboptions[keywords]" /> <meta name="description" content="$vboptions[description]" /> </if> </if> <!-- CSS Stylesheet --> $style[css] <if condition="is_browser('opera') AND !is_browser('opera', '8.0.1')"> <style type="text/css"> ul, ol { padding-left:20px; } </style> </if> <!-- / CSS Stylesheet --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function who_rated_member(userid) { return openWindow( 'misc.php?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=who_rated_member&u=' + userid, 230, 300 ); } function who_viewed_member(userid) { return openWindow( 'misc.php?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=who_viewed_member&u=' + userid, 230, 300 ); } // --> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var SESSIONURL = "$session[sessionurl_js]"; var IMGDIR_MISC = "$stylevar[imgdir_misc]"; var vb_disable_ajax = parseInt("$vboptions[disable_ajax]", 10); // --> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/flashobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script> <if condition="$show['popups']"><script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script></if> <if condition="$vboptions['externalrss']"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2" /> <if condition="$show['foruminfo'] OR $show['threadinfo']"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] - $foruminfo[title_clean] - RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=$foruminfo[forumid]" /> </if> </if> |
Where can I get free mp3 music urls from having a hard time finding any.
I have installed the hack and its playing fine when i am opening that from navbar but it shows undefined on the playlists in the cmps block whatever i have try to do.
I disabled the navbar options, i put the full url on the collumns, nothing...Has anyone made it working on the cmps center page? I have vbulletin 3.8.0 and cmps 3.1 installed. |
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Re-compiled SWF file, locking domain & adding absolute url calls. |
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X vBulletin 3.8.12 by vBS Debug Information | |
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