Ladder Description:
Users or teams can also join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. Elo rating system is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.
Feature List:
Tournament Features
Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
Permissions can be set per usergroup
(AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
2 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing and Single Elimination
Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
Tournament User Stats Page
'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
Tournament options
Turn on/off tournament
Create Thread on Tournament Creation
Tournament Stats in Member Profile
Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
Comments per page
Tournament description length shown in tournament List
Tournament Display
LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
Tournament View Counter
Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
separate page for accepting/rejecting challenges and submitting score (have to be accepted by other user)
Tournament Announcements
Tournament Moderators can create/edit announcements
Uses forum last visit for announcement read marking
Shows last user to edit announcement
Share categories for tournaments/ ladders
Category displays in navbar when viewing ladder/ tournament
Follow instructions included in .zip
If you are using v3.6.x you will need to download this product file and import it
(It contains memberinfo css which is used in profile comments in v3.7.x and is in used in Tournaments Comments and Team Profiles)
Click Install
Future Features:
Add more Different Tournament Types (Double Elimination and Round Robin)
Allowing a player to only join one team per ladder
Use 3.7/3.8 notification system
My Teams page
Easy way to Re-arrange users in tournament
Limit number of challenges per week/day
Ladder match finder
Custom message included in challenge pm sent to user
If you want to donate please click 'Support Developer'
And one question... Has anoyne lost their ongoing tournaments after upgrade??? I really can't afford to lose mine now.
Upgrade the product and no data will be lost
Originally Posted by VGPelega
One thing I wanted to ask/request(regarding the teams):
The team logos, can they be locked to maximum size/automatically scaled down?
(even better adding an admin set size - Or for better wording "Recommended size")
I run a growing website, and personally don't want members adding a wallpaper sized logo for their clan/team.
I also think their needs to be an "Upload" button as well, so after browsing to an image, they can upload, or then get the error message, instead of just the edit profile option?
Just my thoughts.
I'm going to try adding in a image resizer script for team logos.
Originally Posted by Chris11987
Instead of adding 2v2, 3v3 and stuff, why not just change the "1v1" option to "Standard", and whenever "Teams" is selected people will know what the rules are anyways.
I am going to change 1v1 to 'Single Elimination' and then have option for max and minimum number in team for it to enter.
Originally Posted by camomouse
How do I get that to stop? There are now plugins installed of Tournaments. As far as I know, Tournaments should not exits on my site but I'm getting nothing but MySql errors when you visit my site. I need help.
You still getting error? I visited your site and I didn't get any errors.
Originally Posted by rob01
Fatal error: Call to undefined function cal_days_in_month() in /home/robtbs/public_html/forum/tournament.php on line 598
someone knows why this error happens?
Have a look at the post below by RTO
Originally Posted by RTO
Nice looking mod! I've installed it but not got it working yet, if anyone else is having a similar problem it needs the PHP Calendar Extensions installed (compile PHP with --enable-calendar). You can find more info on the PHP website.
I'm going to try adding in a image resizer script for team logos.
It might be better to just limit the size like avatar is limited to 80x80 or 100x100 which is the profile size, resizer tend to dumb down the quality and still doesn't reduce the loading time
I'm sure people uploading team avatars knows how to resize an image
Edit: Also right now the hall of fame populates random forums members in it when no one has joined/won any tournaments when it should be empty at start. Is there a way to turn off the hall of fame for forums that only want to run team tournaments? Thanks!
Edit 2: Can we hide the sidebar on the tournament detail display but have the sidebar on the home display? It's not very needed on the tournament details display and takes up valuable space
Edit 3: Team tournament wins and joins does not show in postbit since it's only showing the individual scores, any remedy to this?
Edit 4: Another suggestion is to have the team avatars to show up at tournament detail list or team list, maybe on hover over so it doesn't mess with the layout?
Today I scheduled a tournament for Friday October 3rd at 6:30 pm my time with is GMT-5:00 Eastern Time. After Submitting the tournament the time was stamped at 2pm EST.
I have checked the time setting in VB options and it is set to GMT-5:00 also in my usercp the time is also set to GMT-5:00
Is there any way to resolve this?
Also After submitting the tournament there was a message that says " could not find Phrase "
How do i correct this?
Today I scheduled a tournament for Friday October 3rd at 6:30 pm my time with is GMT-5:00 Eastern Time. After Submitting the tournament the time was stamped at 2pm EST.
I have checked the time setting in VB options and it is set to GMT-5:00 also in my usercp the time is also set to GMT-5:00
Is there any way to resolve this?
Also After submitting the tournament there was a message that says " could not find Phrase "
How do i correct this?
The time must be submitted in GMT+0 (Friday October 3rd at 11:30 pm +/- 1 for DST)
I am currently adding phrases for all redirects and they will be included in next release.
Originally Posted by Strafe
It might be better to just limit the size like avatar is limited to 80x80 or 100x100 which is the profile size, resizer tend to dumb down the quality and still doesn't reduce the loading time
I'm sure people uploading team avatars knows how to resize an image
By re-sizer I meant that the image uploaded gets re-sized to appropriate dimensions (set in tournament options). I tested my script with 17.5kb image, after uploading (and being re-sized by tournament modification) its file-size was reduced to 4.5kb.
By re-sizer I meant that the image uploaded gets re-sized to appropriate dimensions (set in tournament options). I tested my script with 17.5kb image, after uploading (and being re-sized by tournament modification) its file-size was reduced to 4.5kb.
Ah ok, that would be great
Edit: Right now when you try to remove a player from a team, it says 'wrong tournament id'
I think it's trying to remove the player from a tournament instead of the team. Also the remove icon seems to show up for members too, not just team leader.
A suggestion would be to allow team members to leave the team.
Edit 2: When you click on edit for a team, the description doesn't carry over in the text editor; so if you hit save you will erase the previous descriptions.
Edit: Right now when you try to remove a player from a team, it says 'wrong tournament id'
I think it's trying to remove the player from a tournament instead of the team. Also the remove icon seems to show up for members too, not just team leader.
A suggestion would be to allow team members to leave the team.
Edit 2: When you click on edit for a team, the description doesn't carry over in the text editor; so if you hit save you will erase the previous descriptions.
Thanks fixed both errors (fixes will be released with next version)
For team logos, wouldn't it be better to have an actual banner-type logo along the top, instead of the little avatar? And maybe we could just limit the dimensions and filesize, just like how we do for albums/avis/sigs already.