They do but if u read there a while back the system wasnt working right. There was posts about redoing ur email at and then redoing something there or something. Look it up. The posts still might be there.
I can assure you with 100% certainty that I did it correctly. It was most definetly an error with their system. No if and or buts.
The current system is the same as's, i've added some things to it, but nothing was changed in the area of the script that updates your usergroupid and verifys your email. The system can take up to an hour to update your usergroupid, this is because uses a cron or something similar to invoke the process.
nah vBT is quite good. the numbers don't do it justice, it just needs a few tweaks here and there, then the members will flood in, would love to have a joint vBT/ lounge though :drool:
We are planning on expanding the site, and tweaking the style further some time real soon. I stopped adding stuff to the current portal awhile ago, it was always ment to be a place holder for whats going up next.
<insert I don't like the style posts here>
If you don't like the style and can make images contact me, I'm all for offering other style sheets but do not have the time to make them from the ground up myself. We used to offer a lot of panks vB2 styles before we moved to beta 3, I have no idea if he would want to offer them again, that was back when saintdog was the only active admin.
At any rate I like the style, but I will be the first to admit it needs a lot of work at them moment.
The current system is the same as's, i've added some things to it, but nothing was changed in the area of the script that updates your usergroupid and verifys your email. The system can take up to an hour to update your usergroupid, this is because uses a cron or something similar to invoke the process.
We are planning on expanding the site, and tweaking the style further some time real soon. I stopped adding stuff to the current portal awhile ago, it was always ment to be a place holder for whats going up next.
If you don't like the style and can make images contact me, I'm all for offering other style sheets but do not have the time to make them from the ground up myself. We used to offer a lot of panks vB2 styles before we moved to beta 3, I have no idea if he would want to offer them again, that was back when saintdog was the only active admin.
At any rate I like the style, but I will be the first to admit it needs a lot of work at them moment.
If I was good at graphics, i would offer, but I'm not that good... not as good as other people I've seen.
lol, you're funny
what does u checking it now and having it work have to do with when there were issues?
think about things before u post
why do you always bring in the past?
in the past the system of didn't work as well.
So it's time to draw the line sometimes and look into the future, instead of always claiming in the past was that and that and that.
Even with our best tries, we are not able to change the past, so what?
in the past the system of didn't work as well.
So it's time to draw the line sometimes and look into the future, instead of always claiming in the past was that and that and that.
Even with our best tries, we are not able to change the past, so what?
well said, everyone should take a look over there if you haven't in a little while, lets work together for the site to prosper
I'm gonna start going going to vBT alot more often now.
Even if it's just me running around with the mods helping people, one more is better then none, correct?
And besides, IMO, it's not the style that counts, it's the content of the site. I've seen some sites with really ugly styles that are even more active than all of the three vB sites put together.
And trust me, vBT has good content, it's just getting it out to people.
Thank you, this is the attitude that many members of have, and it is what will make vBT a successful support site. Even though it seems troubled now, it will get back to it's former glory.
Just like to say, thank you to all members who are supporting vBT in any way they can. It's a great thing to know that your help and work is appreciated.
people are accusing me of doing something wrong when i signed up
when i signed up it was past
the fact is, i did it correctly and the system messed up
stop telling me i messed up and ill stop bringing up the past
saying, oh look i just did it and it worked perfect therefore you must have done it wrong has no bearing on the day i signed up
While the system was buggy in the past, it was working fine if you waited abit for the system to move you, as i had a friend register and their profile worked fine. However you are correct and its in the past, so lets move on