The deluxe version will definitely be able to compete, as it has a lot of Very useful features for your entire site, not just the Journal part (stuff that LJ etc. don't have)
I'll not go into details (though if you hang out in #Kura on the Devcore irc network you would've known some of it already ), all I'm gonna say here is that the Deluxe edition of my Journal System will provide functionality for any average site with a community, that far exceeds being 'just' a Journal system.
arghhh, i aint got an irc client on this computer, i'm missing out but i'm gonna download one now as i'd really like to hear this
Write me your money account
and how much the deluxe will cost? I want to have it.
Deluxe will probably be $50. That includes 3 months of full support (install / configuration / how-to explanations). I'm not yet sure on what to do with support after that 3 months period, but I'm not trying to become filthy rich off of this, I just want to make sure that I don't see all my time taken by "freebies", really. I've done that for several years now and I've finally realized that with the plans of buying my own apartment (which is expensive in the NL) I can no longer do that.
Deluxe will probably be $50. That includes 3 months of full support (install / configuration / how-to explanations). I'm not yet sure on what to do with support after that 3 months period, but I'm not trying to become filthy rich off of this, I just want to make sure that I don't see all my time taken by "freebies", really. I've done that for several years now and I've finally realized that with the plans of buying my own apartment (which is expensive in the NL) I can no longer do that.
I forgot about this thread, sounds good kura, look forward to seeing it. Right now I halted my development of the journal because I am building a CMS platform I can base the rest of my hacks on.
I forgot about this thread, sounds good kura, look forward to seeing it. Right now I halted my development of the journal because I am building a CMS platform I can base the rest of my hacks on.
so poke kura and brad to start doing more faster; got it
I forgot about this thread, sounds good kura, look forward to seeing it. Right now I halted my development of the journal because I am building a CMS platform I can base the rest of my hacks on.
Sounds good, but you should take a look at the Hack Tracking Log (link in my sig) just to see if I've not already done half of your work there with that. You could possibly combine the two. Might be worth checking out ^_^
And yeah yeah, I hope to have my Journal system done soon, but the HTL and Modules Manager are definitely higher priority (cos both are necessary for the Journal System to work in the first place ^_^).
Sounds good, but you should take a look at the Hack Tracking Log (link in my sig) just to see if I've not already done half of your work there with that. You could possibly combine the two. Might be worth checking out ^_^
And yeah yeah, I hope to have my Journal system done soon, but the HTL and Modules Manager are definitely higher priority (cos both are necessary for the Journal System to work in the first place ^_^).
Hi, this is solely for my site that im doing atm, altho I have thought about releasing it and probbly will. Im just writing something that I can code on top of without having to re-do stuff over and over again. Basicly mine is a simple page/catagory system that will allow you to call modifications on the fly, it also handles the template cache dynamicly.
Hi, this is solely for my site that im doing atm, altho I have thought about releasing it and probbly will. Im just writing something that I can code on top of without having to re-do stuff over and over again. Basicly mine is a simple page/catagory system that will allow you to call modifications on the fly, it also handles the template cache dynamicly.
Okay, that doesn't sound very much like the HTL, nor the HTL in combination with my Modules Manager. So I guess the only use for you would be the HTL with all its many useful features.
Okay, that doesn't sound very much like the HTL, nor the HTL in combination with my Modules Manager. So I guess the only use for you would be the HTL with all its many useful features.
Honestly I havent had the time to look over your thread, I am building this for my site simply to have a easy way to store and retrive content. I added the 'grab modifications based on page' stuff so I would have a easy way to grab info from my board when I needed it (for news, latest threads etc) I'm sure it could eventally power journals and stores but I havent got to that point yet.
I'm not trying to build a large hack to release to the public, im just making this easyer on myself and if I decide to release it later on I might