Version: 1.00, by grog6
Developer Last Online: Dec 2008
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 04-26-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 41
No support by the author.
Ce hack affiche en haut de vos forums un petit tableau vous permettant de savoir quelques petites infos sur le forum dans lequel vous vous trouvez tels que :
- Nbe de sujets
- Nbe de reponses
- Meilleur posteur du forum
- Dernier posteur
- Note moyenne
- Vues totales des sujets du forum
Fichiers a modifier : 1
Templates a modifier : 1
Temps d'installation : 2 min
This hack displays at the top of each forum, a table where many statistics are displayed such as :
- Number of threads created
- Number of relplys
- Best post creator
- last poster
- Average mark
- Total of sees of the forum
Files to modify : 1
Templates to modify : 1
installation time : 2 min
Voici la version anglaise
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
The other issue is that it's not truly "Best Poster". It is, more accurately, "Most Threads Started by: " The name extracted is the person who started the most threads in the forum and the percentage is the number started by the user divided by the number of threads in the forum.
$avgposteurs=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(postusername) AS moyenne FROM thread WHERE (forumid='$forumid' AND postusername='$mposteur')");
Modifications :
- Better translation in the english version ( Eheh Mist )
- The hack is now included in a new template (thx to wolfe for it )
- Bug of the best thread's creator is now corrected, thx to amykhar for it and his query imrovment :bunny:
so if that shows the 'top thread starter' how would i go about lets say replacing the 'average rating in this forum' with 'top poster in this forum'? sorry to be a pain
Today at 12:58 PM sabret00the said this in Post #45 so if that shows the 'top thread starter' how would i go about lets say replacing the 'average rating in this forum' with 'top poster in this forum'? sorry to be a pain
I looked at pulling the top poster rather than the top thread starter, but the query and algorithm was daunting. It would be a real server killer. At this point, I can't think of a good way to do that without bringing a server to its knees.
- The plural for 'reply' is 'replies', not 'replys'.
- There should be no gap if you put ':' after a word. For example, 'Statistics of the forum : Main Forum' should be 'Statistics of the forum: Main Forum'.
Another note, your hack is entitled 'Forum statisctics at the top of each forum' but by your coding it is shown at the bottom. I actually prefer it at the bottom anyway.
No big deal. Your English is wayyyyyyy better than my French!
@ amykhar : I agree with you, that's why I selected Best threads creator . In the VBulletin's database, forumid is not shown in the post's table, and seen the number of posts per forum, it would be really hard for the server :-/
@ Zelda-King : Shown at the bottom ? Probably have replace a above by under in my translation , will correct it now but this hacks should be display at the top of each forum as said in my tread title
I know my english is not perfect, I try to do my best and I think I'm quite understanble