Version: 1.00, by amykhar
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 03-09-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 32
No support by the author.
This hack will email a warning to members who have not activated their account and then delete them. It can run via cron, and is a pretty darn easy hack to install.
1. Emails users after 3 days and reminds them to activate their accounts.
2. Emails users after 5 days and lets them know their account will be deleted if they do not activate.
3. Emails users after 8 days with a final warning.
4. Deletes un-activated members after 10 days.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Nope, I tried the cpanel set up, it keeps erroring out, so I will go manual for now, by the way Amy when I ran manual today, that member you saw yesterday, came up again today!
USODJA, if you run it manually, you need to make sure it's at least 24 hours between runs. If you run it at 8pm one day and noon the next day, you are likely to see the same member.
Will this delete users that have changed their pwd or email but are already a registered user? Cause they get put back in that cat after they make a change like that. That could be bad. Especially if they have like 3000 posts or something.
04-20-03 at 02:44 AM amykhar said this in Post #46 I don't know. Without a link to your forums or any idea where you put the file, I can't psychically debug your board.
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