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Old 07-06-2015, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
According to the bible isn't pi exactly 3.0?

Also, didn't some early people mentioned live to like 600 years old?

So maybe God just estimates or maybe the biblical definition of a year doesn't match ours?
At the start people lived 100's of years but God but a cap on it to a max of 120 years

--------------- Added [DATE]1436196881[/DATE] at [TIME]1436196881[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by shimei View Post
Genesis 6:3 does not cap the age limit to 120 years. Genesis 6:3 is God?s declaration that the flood would occur 120 years from His pronouncement. Humanity's days being ended is a reference to humanity itself being destroyed in the flood. Genesis 6:3 is a prediction of the timetable for the flood.
Many people understand Genesis 6:3 to be a 120-year age limit on humanity, ?Then the LORD said, ?My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.?? However, Genesis chapter 11 records several people living past the age of 120. As a result, some interpret Genesis 6:3 to mean that, as a general rule, people will no longer live past 120 years of age. After the flood, the life spans began to shrink dramatically (compare Genesis 5 with Genesis 11) and eventually shrank to below 120 (Genesis 11:24). Since that time, very few people have lived past 120 years old.

However, another interpretation, which seems to be more in keeping with the context, is that Genesis 6:3 is God?s declaration that the flood would occur 120 years from His pronouncement. Humanity's days being ended is a reference to humanity itself being destroyed in the flood. Some dispute this interpretation due to the fact that God commanded Noah to build the ark when Noah was 500 years old in Genesis 5:32 and Noah was 600 years old when the flood came (Genesis 7:6); only giving 100 years of time, not 120 years. However, the timing of God?s pronouncement of Genesis 6:3 is not given. Further, Genesis 5:32 is not the time that God commanded Noah to build the Ark, but rather the age Noah was when he became the father of his three sons. It is perfectly plausible that God determined the flood to occur in 120 years and then waited several years before He commanded Noah to build the ark. Whatever the case, the 100 years between Genesis 5:32 and 7:6 in no way contradicts the 120 years mentioned in Genesis 6:3.

Several hundred years after the flood, Moses declared, ?The length of our days is seventy years?or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away? (Psalm 90:10). Neither Genesis 6:3 nor Psalm 90:10 are God-ordained age limits for humanity. Genesis 6:3 is a prediction of the timetable for the flood. Psalm 90:10 is simply stating that as a general rule, people live 70-80 years (which is still true today).
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Old 07-06-2015, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
At the start people lived 100's of years but God but a cap on it to a max of 120 years

--------------- Added [DATE]1436196881[/DATE] at [TIME]1436196881[/TIME] ---------------
Also consider Job 42:16 - "And after this Job lived 140 years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, four generations."

That would put Job close to 200 years old, after the flood.
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Old 07-06-2015, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by shimei View Post
Also consider Job 42:16 - "And after this Job lived 140 years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, four generations."

That would put Job close to 200 years old, after the flood.
That happened before God set the max age we can live. I think this topic has ran long enough so won't be posting any more
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Old 07-06-2015, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
That happened before God set the max age we can live. I think this topic has ran long enough so won't be posting any more
Scripture, please?
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Old 07-06-2015, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
At the start people lived 100's of years but God but a cap on it to a max of 120 years

--------------- Added [DATE]1436196881[/DATE] at [TIME]1436196881[/TIME] ---------------

Many people understand Genesis 6:3 to be a 120-year age limit on humanity, ?Then the LORD said, ?My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.?? However, Genesis chapter 11 records several people living past the age of 120. As a result, some interpret Genesis 6:3 to mean that, as a general rule, people will no longer live past 120 years of age. After the flood, the life spans began to shrink dramatically (compare Genesis 5 with Genesis 11) and eventually shrank to below 120 (Genesis 11:24). Since that time, very few people have lived past 120 years old.
Well then since God is open to changing his mind who is to say next week he doesn't raise the limit to 250?
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Old 07-07-2015, 02:38 AM
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
According to the bible isn't pi exactly 3.0?
Yes, there is:

1 Kings 7:23: "And he made a moulten Sea, ten cubites from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, & his height was fiue cubits: and a line of thirtie cubites did compasse it round about."

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
Also, didn't some early people mentioned live to like 600 years old?
The oldest person mentioned in the Bible is Methuselah:

Genesis 5:27: "And all the dayes of Methuselah were nine hundred, sixtie and nine yeeres, and he died."

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
So maybe God just estimates or maybe the biblical definition of a year doesn't match ours?
There are many things about which we now know that the Bible is woefully inaccurate, which is to be expected from a collection of texts written long before science as we know it was developed. The Bible should obviously not be used as a cource of knowledge about the universe, nor as a source of morals. In my opinion, the leading character of the Bible (Yahweh) is a petty, jealous and morally bankrupt monster craftily devised to keep a superstitious and ignorant populace under the thumbs of those who claim to be his agents.

He creates you with a disease, demands you believe a ludicrous story without evidence in order to be cured, and threatens to burn you alive for all eternity if you raise a skeptical eyebrow. And yet people can somehow convince themselves this is a loving deity.

You know, I get that some people need to feel like their consciousness somehow survives the cessation of neural activity in their brains when it inevitably winds down and stops, but surely a much less horrific story would be preferable.
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Old 07-07-2015, 02:58 AM
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Mark, I have to put some points right God does not send us to hell we do that ourselves, it was humans who sinned and sin cannot enter into heaven, God sent his only son here to pay for the sin of us all it is up to us to ask for salvation if we don't then we send ourselves to hell by not accepting salvation that is given freely. All the disease in the world is from the devil not God. God loves us more than you can imagine we are all his children and as a loving father, he wants us all to go to heaven, but he gave us all free will, just like all the Angels and demons have, so when we die and if we die in our sin there is only one place to go (hell) until the day of judgement. Many blame God for all the bad things that happen in this world when it has nothing to do with him all bad things are done by the devil and his demons, but he puts the thoughts into peoples minds to blame God making them think its his fault. Why would he hurt us when he loves us so much he even sent his only son here to pay for our sins and Jesus went through more pain than all pain every man woman and child has felt past present and future. The bible is not inaccurate its the word of God (with faith comes understanding) when a person is born again, then they understand the bible and see the truth
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Old 07-07-2015, 11:11 AM
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I am very familiar with what the Bible has to say...the more I studied it the less likely I found it to be true. But, I have to have actual evidence in order to believe things...I am not capable of believing things for which there is no compelling evidence.

--------------- Added [DATE]1436293913[/DATE] at [TIME]1436293913[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
Mark, I have to put some points right God does not send us to hell we do that ourselves, it was humans who sinned and sin cannot enter into heaven,...
Yes, because of the so-called "original sin" we are all born into sin. So, we come into this world flawed, in fact an abomination in the eyes of God. That's why I said we are created diseased, as we are born full of the sin of another.

Then we are commanded to be healed, and the only way to be healed is to believe that which is in fact not even believable, or even credible. So, unless we abandon reason and believe this wild story, we are then cast into the lake of fire to burn forever.

The cosmic child-protective services should come and arrest this abusive and sadistic Yahweh and take his children from him, no?

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
God sent his only son here to pay for the sin of us all...
Why not just forgive the sin...why the lust for a blood sacrifice? He sent himself to be sacrificed to himself so the sin he created could be forgiven. He supposedly makes the rules, so why not just forgive the sin instead of all the song and dance?

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
...it is up to us to ask for salvation if we don't then we send ourselves to hell by not accepting salvation that is given freely.
Again, all we have to do is abandon reason and accept all this strange hocus-pocus as reality? I just can't do it...I am sincerely interested in the truth and accepting things by faith alone is just not the honest way to get there.

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
All the disease in the world is from the devil not God.
So your God allows Satan to afflict his children with disease? What a guy...

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
God loves us more than you can imagine we are all his children and as a loving father, he wants us all to go to heaven, but he gave us all free will, just like all the Angels and demons have, so when we die and if we die in our sin there is only one place to go (hell) until the day of judgement.
Somehow, that does not make me feel loved. Believe or burn. Believe in me even though there is no evidence of my existence, or I will punish your for eternity in a very horrible way. Can you seriously say that is the act of a loving deity?

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
Many blame God for all the bad things that happen in this world when it has nothing to do with him all bad things are done by the devil and his demons, but he puts the thoughts into peoples minds to blame God making them think its his fault.
Either your God is not all powerful or he is not all good. If God created everything and is omnipotent, then yes, he is responsible for all that happens.

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
Why would he hurt us when he loves us so much he even sent his only son here to pay for our sins and Jesus went through more pain than all pain every man woman and child has felt past present and future.
Indeed, why would he hurt us if he loves us as you say, but in fact the Bible has him repeatedly doling out some severe hurt on mankind. He is described by the Bible as a horrific monster of epic proportions. But a horrific monster is perfect for keeping people under your thumb.

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
The bible is not inaccurate its the word of God (with faith comes understanding)...
One oft-cited example of an inaccuracy is the Bible says the Earth is flat...would you say this is accurate? The Bible also says the stars will fall to the Earth? Doesn't this clearly demonstrate the authors of the Bible had no idea what stars really are?

Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
...when a person is born again, then they understand the bible and see the truth
Once again, you cannot call that which is believed by faith as truth. It is a belief. Beliefs and truths are two wholly different things. Beliefs can become truth once compelling evidence is found to support it, but in the case of the supernatural, no such evidence has been found and until such time, I have absolutely no reason to believe it.

I believe by the sheer vastness of the universe that there is life out there that is intelligent, but until we actually find it, I cannot say it is truth even though the probability of extra-terrestrial intelligent life is far more likely to be truth (plausibility) than the Christian God.
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Old 07-07-2015, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
Mark, I have to put some points right God does not send us to hell we do that ourselves, it was humans who sinned and sin cannot enter into heaven, God sent his only son here to pay for the sin of us all it is up to us to ask for salvation if we don't then we send ourselves to hell by not accepting salvation that is given freely. All the disease in the world is from the devil not God. God loves us more than you can imagine we are all his children and as a loving father, he wants us all to go to heaven, but he gave us all free will, just like all the Angels and demons have, so when we die and if we die in our sin there is only one place to go (hell) until the day of judgement. Many blame God for all the bad things that happen in this world when it has nothing to do with him all bad things are done by the devil and his demons, but he puts the thoughts into peoples minds to blame God making them think its his fault. Why would he hurt us when he loves us so much he even sent his only son here to pay for our sins and Jesus went through more pain than all pain every man woman and child has felt past present and future. The bible is not inaccurate its the word of God (with faith comes understanding) when a person is born again, then they understand the bible and see the truth
But if God knew the whole time Jesus would just come back to heaven then it really isn't that big a deal to die... He didn't really sacrifice anything but maybe 30 years or so on Earh? 30 years out of an eternity is nothing.

Why does God allow the Devil to exist? If he can't get rid of the devil then it is fair to say God isn't all powerful?
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Old 07-07-2015, 05:46 PM
ForceHSS ForceHSS is offline
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Originally Posted by MarkFL View Post
I am very familiar with what the Bible has to say...the more I studied it the less likely I found it to be true. But, I have to have actual evidence in order to believe things...I am not capable of believing things for which there is no compelling evidence.

--------------- Added 07 Jul 2015 at 19:31 ---------------

Yes, because of the so-called "original sin" we are all born into sin. So, we come into this world flawed, in fact an abomination in the eyes of God. That's why I said we are created diseased, as we are born full of the sin of another.

Then we are commanded to be healed, and the only way to be healed is to believe that which is in fact not even believable, or even credible. So, unless we abandon reason and believe this wild story, we are then cast into the lake of fire to burn forever.

The cosmic child-protective services should come and arrest this abusive and sadistic Yahweh and take his children from him, no?

Why not just forgive the sin...why the lust for a blood sacrifice? He sent himself to be sacrificed to himself so the sin he created could be forgiven. He supposedly makes the rules, so why not just forgive the sin instead of all the song and dance?

Again, all we have to do is abandon reason and accept all this strange hocus-pocus as reality? I just can't do it...I am sincerely interested in the truth and accepting things by faith alone is just not the honest way to get there.

So your God allows Satan to afflict his children with disease? What a guy...

Somehow, that does not make me feel loved. Believe or burn. Believe in me even though there is no evidence of my existence, or I will punish your for eternity in a very horrible way. Can you seriously say that is the act of a loving deity?

Either your God is not all powerful or he is not all good. If God created everything and is omnipotent, then yes, he is responsible for all that happens.

Indeed, why would he hurt us if he loves us as you say, but in fact the Bible has him repeatedly doling out some severe hurt on mankind. He is described by the Bible as a horrific monster of epic proportions. But a horrific monster is perfect for keeping people under your thumb.

One oft-cited example of an inaccuracy is the Bible says the Earth is flat...would you say this is accurate? The Bible also says the stars will fall to the Earth? Doesn't this clearly demonstrate the authors of the Bible had no idea what stars really are?

Once again, you cannot call that which is believed by faith as truth. It is a belief. Beliefs and truths are two wholly different things. Beliefs can become truth once compelling evidence is found to support it, but in the case of the supernatural, no such evidence has been found and until such time, I have absolutely no reason to believe it.

I believe by the sheer vastness of the universe that there is life out there that is intelligent, but until we actually find it, I cannot say it is truth even though the probability of extra-terrestrial intelligent life is far more likely to be truth (plausibility) than the Christian God.
God did not make sin the devil did by trying to take over heaven. I am not going to answer all your other questions as its not worth giving an answer to them

--------------- Added [DATE]1436298609[/DATE] at [TIME]1436298609[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
But if God knew the whole time Jesus would just come back to heaven then it really isn't that big a deal to die... He didn't really sacrifice anything but maybe 30 years or so on Earh? 30 years out of an eternity is nothing.

Why does God allow the Devil to exist? If he can't get rid of the devil then it is fair to say God isn't all powerful?
free will

--------------- Added [DATE]1436298666[/DATE] at [TIME]1436298666[/TIME] ---------------

Proverbs ch 18 v 2
A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.

Proverbs ch 1 v 7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs ch 10 v 14
Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.

Proverbs ch 14 v 1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs CH 29 V 9
If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.

Jeremiah ch 5 v 21
Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:
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