Version: 3.0.3, by Valter
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 01-16-2010
Last Update: 05-20-2012
Installs: 580
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
This hack will show how many new posts/threads have been posted in forums since your 'last visit'. New posts are checked via AJAX, manually or in defined time interval. Optionally you can enable and configure Smart Search Menu to give users ability to search individual forum sections. View screenshots...
To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > VSa - Advanced 'New Posts'
v1.0 - Apr 29. 2006.
-First version
v2.4 - Jan 18. 2009.
-Latest 3.x version
v3.0 - Jan 17. 2010.
-Updated for vBulletin 4.x
-Mod prefix (Cyb) changed to 'VSa'
v3.0.1 - Jan 17. 2010.
-Fixed bug where individual forum search does not work properly
-Fixed bug where product is not stopped when forums are turned off
v3.0.2 - Apr 11. 2010.
-Fixed: WOL confusion
-New: Compatible with DB thread/forum read marking types
-New: Navbar items merged
-Fixed: Permissions bug
-Fixed: Minor bugs
v3.0.3 - May 21. 2012.
-Compatible with vBulletin 4.2.x
On my forum I use the who's online and it refreshes every 15 seconds. If I turn off the ajax refresh check and using the who's online when a new post happens would it show then? Kind of like Paul's it doesn't check but when the forum refreshes it shows if there is new posts. So if I turn off auto refresh will this do the same as I like where yours is better.
This is affecting the whos online on the forum. It is also affecting the who is viewing thread feature. In the whos online, when it is enabled it shows everyone viewing board index. On the who is viewing thread it does not show who is viewing the thread. I tested this with my moderators. We all parked on a thread and I turned this on and the display changed from all three of us to just me. Their view was similar.
Same problem, any up-date going to happen for this, or anyone know how to solve this?
I have the same situation. I have zero unread posts now, but the mod text is still showing 54 unread in 17 threads.
I have a new bug. When you are on the board and mod check for new posts (you do nothing), user who has email thread subscription, have new email after all new reply without enter into thread.
I have a new bug. When you are on the board and mod check for new posts (you do nothing), user who has email thread subscription, have new email after all new reply without enter into thread.
It works as it's supposed to, right?
I believe this has nothing with the email sending feature, but I'll check it.
If someone has a notice of response to e-mail and is currently on the main forum is a modification from time to time refreshes and checks for new posts.
If at that time to other users update that thread the subscriber receives e-mail every time even though not physically visit the topic.
ps. I apologize for my English but supports the translator
Before I try this out, I need to get some clarification.
Does this only check for new posts since your last visit?
Does it check the actual unread posts you have?
I currently use PaulM's Unread Posts mod and it has the option to do either one. Personally, I use the actual unread posts because I think that sometimes people (myself included) access the forums, need to do something else for a bit, click something else and now all the "new" posts are gone, even though they are unread.
In anycase, I'm not trying to stop it from how it's working now (if that is how it works now), but would like to see the same option for defining what is an "unread post" as in Paul's mod.