This mod allows your moderators to do the following:
Ban a user from the site and/or a thread via the username drop down menu in a post (as well as the admin/mod cp).
All moderators with banning/unbanning permissions for the forum can use this feature.
This opens a page which allows you to select a ban period, whether or not to allow the user to view the thread (for thread bans), and provide a text message which the user will see when trying to enter the site or view / reply to the thread.
Once you ban the user you are returned to the same post from which you banned the user.
You will now notice a small icon besides the ip icon.
Clicking on that will open a page that will display the current ban information and in the case of a thread ban, also a list of other threads from which this user is banned.
You will also have the option to edit or lift the ban from here.
You may now also unban the user from the username drop down menu.
From the admin cp vbulletin settings you can set whether you wish to have a Private Message sent to the user whenever they are banned/unbanned from a thread.
You may also view, edit, or lift bans from the admin/mod control panel. Just click on the ?view banned users? or 'view banned from thread users' link. If you turned on the feature to moderate permanent bans, this is where you will see a list of bans awaiting approval. You may approve, reject (lift), or edit (modify) moderated bans.
Available Options:
Limit bans to only Thread, only Site, or both Thread and Site bans via the postbit
Banning permissions are set on a per moderator basis.
Send PM to User:
You may choose whether you wish to send a private message to the user whenever they are thread banned/unbanned
Moderate Permanent Bans:
Whether to moderate (approve, edit, reject) permanent site and/or thread bans.
If this feature is turned on, all permanent site and/or thread bans are entered into a moderation queue requiring admin attention within 7 days of ban date. If no action is taken (approve, edit, reject), the ban reverts to a 7 day ban.
You may also provide an email address to be used for notification that a permanent ban awaits approval.
To Intall:
Please see the 'readme' text file for installation instructions.
Installing this mod will take you approximatly 20 minutes, however, I do believe you will find it to be well worth the time and effort.
version 1.7
New 'includes/cron/remove_managed_bans.php'.
All you need to do is FTP this file to your server.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
If the last bitfield in group moderatorpermissions has the value 4194304 (which is the default before any other hacks may have been installed), then the new threadban bitfields should have 8388608 (which is 4194304 * 2) and 16777216 (which is 8388608 * 2)
thanks, i figured it out eventually but im stunned by the quick response heh
PS having problems where the postbit buttons just lead to a white screen but i may have made a mistake in the edits
going to try installing on a fresh install just to check
i like the idea on banning people from threads but ive had requests from members for the thread starter to be able to ban people from his thread.. like if there is no admins or mods on the person who started the thread can ban an annoying person or spammer or something from viewing his post.. is this possible? is there a mod like this anywhere?
i like the idea on banning people from threads but ive had requests from members for the thread starter to be able to ban people from his thread.. like if there is no admins or mods on the person who started the thread can ban an annoying person or spammer or something from viewing his post.. is this possible? is there a mod like this anywhere?
Version 1.6
Revert to original 'includes/cron/remove_managed_bans.php' as 1.5 unbanned users it shouldn't have.
Has anyone else encountered the problem MrD has?
Yes i am again im using the latest VB
Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.*,
userban.usergroupid AS banusergroupid, userban.displaygroupid AS bandisplaygroupid, userban.customtitle AS bancustomtitle, userban.usertitle AS banusertitle
FROM userban AS userban
LEFT JOIN userban_manage AS userban_manage ON(userban_manage.userid = userban.userid)
INNER JOIN user AS user USING(userid)
WHERE userban.bandate < 1195852530;
MySQL Error : Column 'userid' in from clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Date : Friday, November 30th 2007 @ 09:15:30 PM
I'm getting this error when I try to import the .xml file
Fatal error: Could not parse /home/content/v/s/p/vspotadmin/html/forums/includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml in /includes/class_bitfield_builder.php on line 121