Version: 1.00, by imranbaig
Developer Last Online: Aug 2013
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 12-02-2006
Last Update: 12-21-2006
Installs: 20
DB Changes
Additional Files
No support by the author.
I wanted to start a site with WP the best blogging software and VB the Best forum software.
After searching at, I found a bridge which was for vb 3.0. and WP 2.0, I just edited carefully the newer version files, with permission from author Here, I'm releasing this bridge:
This hack will only work if your WordPress and vBulletin tables are in a single database.
This hack has only been tested on adding entries directly from the admin panel. It has not been tested on xmlrpc clients.
Use at your own risk. I will not be held liable for any loss of data nor problems that you might encounter on your site during the whole process of the mod.Backup your files and database(s) before proceeding.
WP Settings:
If you want to do file edits your self then go here
Download the attached files, and you need to edit only the following files, not all.
// This just holds the vb variables
$vb_bridge = 1; // 1=on 0=off
$vb_forumid = '2'; // forum id to post copy of article
$vb_userid = '1'; // user id to use for posting the article
$vb_username = 'admin'; // name of the user id
$vb_path = ''; //complete url of forums
$vb_dbprefix = 'vb3_'; //vBulletin database prefix
$vb_readmessage = 'Read the full blog entry.'; //message to be used in the forum to link back to the blog entry
Save file.
Now upload all files.
Note: I have edited, files for default wp-theme, if you want you can just upload comments.php to any other template it does not matter much if you are bridging it., but do the following changes to single.php only if you are using a different template then default one.
EDIT: file single.php:
Look for:
PHP Code:
You can <a href="#respond">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site.
Replace it with:
PHP Code:
You can <a href="/forum/showthread.php?t=<?php echo( $post->vb_threadid ); ?>&goto=newpost">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site.
Make sure you have your forum path correct there. Now Upload all files to your wp root
vBulletin Settings:
The RSS feed will not work if you haven't activated RSS External synidcation on your forum. To do this, on your forums admincp, go to vBulletin Options->External Data Provider and check 'Yes' on Enable RSS Syncidcation.
DB Settings:
Run this query:
PHP Code:
ALTER TABLE `wp_posts` ADD `vb_threadid` INT(10);
Upload postfeed.php to your forum root included in the attachment.
Demo here: DEMO
Please forgive me if there are any errors or anything left out in package
I'll try and support as much as I can. But cannot guarantee it
EDIT: Upload the new Attached postfeed.php, this was the culprit which was giving errors. This should fix everything.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I'm glad other people are having the same "no thread" problem that I have.
My comments always appear "off" when viewing the blog. However, the admin page shows them as on. This was a brand new install so there's nothing that could be getting in the way.
If anyone has a fix lemme know, otherwise I'm going to give the wp plugin a try
Its been over 3 months... Any furthur development on this hack? We're having problems with Jafo232's hack and we'd really like to find a wordpress/vb bridge that actually works
Its been over 3 months... Any furthur development on this hack? We're having problems with Jafo232's hack and we'd really like to find a wordpress/vb bridge that actually works
What issues are you facing with Jafo232's hack ?
I have seen the same working fine on one of my site.
Hi SaN-DeeP. We can't seem to get rid of this error message:
WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name 'vb_threadid']
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD vb_threadid INT(10)
And yes we already deleted the vb_threadid column from the wp_posts table, BUT and we STILL get the same error everytime we try to install a plugin (any plugin). We have to deactivate Jafo232's hack before we can install any plugins. This gets old fast The error only appears when Jafo232's hack is activated. The part that scares us the most is that there is no vb_threadid column anymore, and the error is still being reported by Jafo232's hack