Version: 1.00, by insanctus
Developer Last Online: May 2006
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 05-06-2004
Last Update: 03-22-2005
Installs: 109
No support by the author.
What this does (added in first post)
With the current vbulletin subscription set up, it only charges your members one time. So if you have a pay based site, or forum area they have to keep subscribing, and causing them to waste time and effort (and maybe you lose money)
What this does, is give you the option if you want one time payment (standard vb) or reoccurring payment.
When you choose reoccurring the script has them sign up for a reoccurring payment, as paypal sends you confirmation each time you get a subscription payment, your system will now update their access time.
This will save your members from having to resign up all the time and hopefully save you some money
For instance, say you have a paying member?s only area, and you want them to have to pay $10 a month.
With this you can charge per month and it handles all the charges, and every month they send another payment automatically your script gets updated and sets their new expiration.
This has been asked for many times and IMO should have been in to begin with.
Enjoy and I will help as I can.
Note from the new supporter: This hack is now being actively supported again. I have updated the install instructions to work for version 3.0.7, and we can now begin to work out any existing bugs. This code is still raw and has not been tested extensively due to the difficult nature of testing paypal transactions.
Can you say how your testing with offering an initial payment & reoccuring subscription payments is coming along?
BTW, just because you would know and getting a question answered at is like waiting for the icecap to the SM, there appear to be options for currencies:
Could anyone tell me whether I can enter payments in all three currencies? Or do you choose one? (Say, either dollars or pounds?) To accept all three currencies is there any back-ending that I need to implement at Paypal?
Can you say how your testing with offering an initial payment & reoccuring subscription payments is coming along?
BTW, just because you would know and getting a question answered at is like waiting for the icecap to the SM, there appear to be options for currencies:
Could anyone tell me whether I can enter payments in all three currencies? Or do you choose one? (Say, either dollars or pounds?) To accept all three currencies is there any back-ending that I need to implement at Paypal?
Thanks again for sharing your work.
As for types of currencie I can only assume it would work, I have never used them so there I am at a loss, but from what I have 'seen' I would say they would be ok.
As for my initial it is doing a hit or miss, and with my gallery taking up more time I have yet to fine tune it.
But I can assure that hack to do an initial will be out soon
It is all done cept the look, I have been putting most my time into the gallery I sell, seems it is becoming a hot item.
But I hope to finish up the new version of this hack this week. Although it will be released in a seperate thread due to it does more then some may need...
i like this hack very much and have installed it but i would like to know if its possible in the next vers or if this is a paypal issue... but i offer access to a download seection and if they cancel their subscriptionafter one day they get what they downloaded and ended up not paying.. so is it possible to get the payments prorated upon cancelling subscription???
i like this hack very much and have installed it but i would like to know if its possible in the next vers or if this is a paypal issue... but i offer access to a download seection and if they cancel their subscriptionafter one day they get what they downloaded and ended up not paying.. so is it possible to get the payments prorated upon cancelling subscription???
Great Hack BTW
I would like to know also, I m running VB3.0.1 and would like to have a yearly subscription to allow into a forum for viewing content they paid for, ALSO is it possable to EDIT the USER that paid for the subscription to be able to UPLOAD attachments, like they pay and they can add attchments now.