This hack allows you to display your forum statistics in an image,whichyou can use as your signature in most forums (like mine).
If you have any trouble, please post here or in my forum for a good response. Please Click INSTALL, otherwise if an important fix becomes available, you will not be notified.
Now with truetype font support and line breaks. Fixed online userscode(was resetting 'most users online'). New easy support for GD2 andbelow.
Attached pixel font for use in your signatures, must be in all capitals, at size 6 to work appropriately.
New! Attached signature colourgenerator application. Useful to work out the colour scheme of yoursignature. Displays the RGB code for picked colour, and also allows forHEX to RGB conversion.
i don't really understand how this works? what should i do? how do i make the image to go with text?
i do Photoshop and know it very well but have no idea how this works
What I did was make a sig tag, with an area that the text would fit into - saved it as sig.jpg and signature.jpg - then I edited the signature.php file as directed, and uploaded everything per the instructions. Once you see how it falls, then you go back into signature.php and tweak the margins so the text goes where you want it.
After I figured it out, I was also able to append an existing sig for someone else on the boards so they too have the stats but on their own sig (just did as previously suggested and created a signature1.jpg, sig1.jpg and signature1.php, but followed the same process)
lol i didn't install my vB how do i know what my vB database name is?
$host = "localhost";
$user= "xxxxxx";
//vbulletin database name
would the server name be
thanks boo
Do you have access to your server? if so, ftp in and grab a copy of /forum/includes/config.php. Open that and you'll find the values you need right in there :classic: HTH!
if you search this thread for imagettftext you will see some folks have that issue - depends on your hosts support for it. If you turn off TTF support (use default font instead) does it work then?
Do you have access to your server? if so, ftp in and grab a copy of /forum/includes/config.php. Open that and you'll find the values you need right in there :classic: HTH!
Yup, the 2 images should be identical - that threw me at 1st too If you bring up signature.php in your browser its showing a blank page? or are you getting the blank when you use the bbcode?
I'm sure you have already checked this, but is the path to both images accurate (although Im pretty sure that would throw an error, or red x if it wasnt correct)
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will pop in with the answer, these are just really basic preliminary things - it took me a bit to get mine going, but i kept re-reading this thread and eventually the lightbulb went off and I realized my issue (paths! Doh!! lol)
Hang in there, you'll get it going!
Ok, When i pull it up in the browser, I get a blank page. When I use bbcode, I get a red x. Im pretty sure the paths are correct, here is what they are: