Version: , by Intex
Developer Last Online: Apr 2014
Version: Unknown
Released: 06-03-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Tigga - let me be the first to say what an absolutely outstanding hack this is. I've been using it now for about a month (or whenever you first released it on your website).
Installed and working great on 3.0.1. Fantastic work !!!! Waiting to vote for it on 'Hack of the Month'.
* Intex clicks INSTALL. Even though it was installed a few weeks ago .
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Could someone really coach me on how to make the styles i have show up on the portal as well?
It sounds like you installed the different styles without using a parent-child setup. What you need to do is have each of the different styles be a child-style to a parent one. This way, the cmps changes are done to the parent style and all the child styles get the changes too. This is the easiest way to make it work and probably the best way as well.
I'm not sure if i did the right thing but i made the default template the parent style and then uploaded the styles and then re-installed but the styles won't appear still. Here, please have a look at my newly installed portal.. I'm still a novice to this so please could someone tell me exactly how to do it inside the admin cp including which button or menu i have to choose to get this right? And one more thing, i also have problem with the header. I want the whole header, the one with the logo to be all white. Currently, there's gray in there. Which template do i have to modify to make it white?
right.. got a problem. Some other people in this thread have also had a similar problem, but i cudn't find a solution.
The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.
Now i've tinkered and its definetnyl something to do with global.php. As if i dont modify that, everythings fine (apart from the homepage dont work lol)
I've altered the Cookie Domain from blank to with no luck.
The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.
I've heard of this situation too. Definitely a cookie issue. I remember quite a bit of discussion on this over at I'm sure you'll find a solution there.
I'm not sure if i did the right thing but i made the default template the parent style and then uploaded the styles and then re-installed but the styles won't appear still.
Ok, making the default style parent was right, but then you have to make the new styles as children to the parent.
The way you do that is Admincp-->Styles & Templates-->Download / Upload Styles.
Set the Import/Upload settings like you did before
Set Merge Into Style to (Create New Style)
Set Ignore Style Version to Yes
Set Title for Uploaded Style to nothing (leave it blank)
Set Parent Style to that default style that you made the parent style
Set Display Order to whatever you want
Set Allow User Selection to Yes
Try that and let me know when you did and I'll look at your site again.
I read your post carefully and confirm that i did exactly as described but for some reasons, my templates still don't show up. Users can change styles inside the forum though so i think i did the right thing.
Is it possible that i'm missing something on the styles modification? Do i need to modify some stuff on each styles i uploaded?
Hmmm...this is stumping me. For my local test setup I wrote exactly what I did and it works fine.
I just took a look at it and it is working, but the image paths aren't finding the graphics. You'll have to modify those in each of the styles like you had to for the default style when you installed vbadvanced. You're almost there!
Ok, I've encountered a problem. Whenever I try to add new modules, it seems to work (for me), but it causes an HTML tag to be broken at the end of the page (after everything else it has a </html tag, but its broken and without the final > on the end). Although it still works for me for some reason (whether or not I'm logged on), everyone else only gets a white page.
Why do add-on modules like that break that tag? Any ideas?
right.. got a problem. Some other people in this thread have also had a similar problem, but i cudn't find a solution.
The problem is..once the hacks installed, the majority of my members have problems accessin the board. it logs them in, but doesn't keep them logged in and keeps asking for their username and password. Whatever they do it.. it wont keep them logged in.
As was said before, it's a cookie issue. I started using the new Netscape, and I had this problem. It has to do with the cookie settings that people use; Netscape for example has a whole bunch of settings that you can change now.