Version: 1.0.1, by akanevsky
Developer Last Online: Feb 2016
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 10-21-2005
Last Update: 12-28-2005
Installs: 32
DB Changes Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| Require 'X' Reputation To Access a Forum
|| Author : Psionic Vision
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.2
|| Released : Dec 29, 2005
|| Time required to install: 20 seconds
|| Difficulty: easy
\*================================================ ======================*/
This product creates a new setting in your forum options that enables you to restrict the forum access to users, whose reputation level is equal to or above the minimum that you specify.
Products to Install: 1
1.0.1 [+] Fixed a bug which prevented getdaily from working properly.
First Release
When using this product, you should enable "Show Private Forums" (otherwise inaccessible forums won't show up on the list) and "Show Lock Icons to Users" (otherwise inaccessible forums won't have a lock icon next to them). However, the settings of both of these options are up to you.
The installation manual is contained within the attached file.
Hey Hi Panic Vision.. you will hate me.. but I have an other problem..
When I put the number of Rep that the user most have for access a forum, it only stay for a coumple of hours and then it reset and stay in zero and I most configure it again.
May be I can help you in graphics or something like that jejeje..
I need some chages for your hack. If i use like you do it. My members add good messages but when they access that forums, they stop doing it. Therefore i need an option to limit for a specific restriction according to time.
For example : (every members must gain more reputation to access that forum for limited time.) 250 reputaions point for 1 week. After one week these member cant access this/these forum(s). They will need new 250 reputations to be able to access there again. He/She's old reputations wont count to access these forum parts any more.
So, they must always do good things if they want to access these forums. These changes will force them much more than before, isnt it? Because, if i use like now they do nothing after accessing these forums gaining the reputaion limits.
Sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand what i want to explain.
When I put the number of Rep that the user most have for access a forum, it only stay for a coumple of hours and then it reset and stay in zero and I most configure it again...
Same here, it works for a little while and then everyone can see it and the rep is set back to zero.