Though I use this "hack" myself, it may be taken tounge in cheek.
1. Fire up your FTP program and navigate to your includes folder.
2. Open up vbulletin_credits.php and select all, then press delete.
3. Save and Upload the empty file. :devious:
Less clutter on main ACP page.
Faster loading?
Area can be used for other things.
Helps prevent itching and scratching.
Feel free to move this thread if needed. :nervous:
Of course it's good to credit them, but like someone already said, you have the copyright at the bottom to credit them, only administrators see it and if you're the administrator and can get into the admin panel, you bought it and know who to credit, and they already have a spot on your website, so don't have a fit over people taking it out. If you haven't taken out that spot where it says Powered by: vBulletin blah blah blah then you ARE GIVING THEM CREDIT.
why would you want to remove the credits? somone worked hard, and i think that they should be [word that i cant spell verry well, begins with an "a"]!
It's really up to the administrator.
Personally, I think we should have the right to remove it if we like. I mean, we did pay for the software, and I think that's supportive enough. If vBulletin was free software then I'd leave it there, but obviously it's not. Therefore, I think it's perfectly ok to remove it.
As I am in the credits, I will never install this hack! <revolts> hehe
nothing personal Floris
I just got tired of looking at them about 6 months ago and started doing this.
A better hack would make use of that valuable real estate and put a lot of quick facts or links there. I don't like the drop down links already there as it requires excess mouse actions.
I don't see the problem in freeing up a bit of space on the admincp homepage, I might do it myself and replace the credits with something more useful (board stats and what not).
I mean the vB authors have a right and deserve to be credited for there genius work, but what good do the credits do in the Admin CP where only the admins can see it. The admins represent liley about 1% of a forums total members(of course it varies) roughly 1-10 admins depending on your board size.
Besides, if your an admin like me that is constantly lurking around here, you end up gathering who is on the team.
personally, Why not give credit where credit is due.
I think these guys should be commended for the awesome work they do. In fact, an Homage page should be created....j/k but seriously, this ifo is good to know and all, BUT, I wouldn't want to remove their credit....they deserve that and more.
This is very true, I was using Microsoft Word earlier, another product I've paid for, and I was disappointed to see that I couldn't find a list of all of the developers and graphic designers, etc plainly visible.... clearly, I've paid my money, but it's not enough... they deserve credit, hell, if there were any females on the team then I think I should be given the chance to show my appreciation by giving them the chance to bear my firstborn!