[username:test][password:test] (thanks to acidburn0520 )
If you can't already tell from the example, you can set anchors in your posts via the [anchor] tag, and create a link that enables the user to jump to them via the [jump] tag. This comes very handy if you want to make a navigation for your forum rules, tutorials, or any other list-type post. Best of all, using cube root, the javascript function I made allows for a smooth/exponential jump.
prioritization: if there are multiple anchors - it uses DOM nesting detection to choose the anchor which is within the post containing the jump tag being clicked
optional cross-page jumping (hyper-link to anchors!)
optional key-shortcuts (remembers last anchor and last jump)
uses setInterval as oppose to a loop for best performance
works on all internet browsers
works on every version of vBulletin
Just download the zipped txt attached to this post with the 3 easy installation steps. Follow them and it's as easy as cake. Enjoy!
To hyperlink anchors, your link must contain a reference to the post the anchor is in and the anchor of which to jump to
Heres the 2 possible ways (order of paramters doesn't matter - as long as the link contains the anchor parameter and a hash(#) to the post, or the p parameter to the post):
nameofanchor is the name of the anchor
1337 is the number of the post which contains the anchor
Yipee! I'll install now... god this hack rocks! :P
Edit: Two things:
1) How on Earth do you make the hyperlink for the cross-page jump? There's no example in the installation instructions.
2) In the installation instructions, the 1A and 1B parts are right next to each other, I accidentally copied 1A's steps and 1B's and pasted them into the clientscript file as the JS function. Maybe space them apart?
Edit (Again):
1) Nevermind, was scrolling up and saw the post you made Pimp, theorizing how this could work and noticed you had posted a possible URL. I tried it out and it works. Nice job and thanks again, you may want to add an example URL into the install directions.
socomcity.net - your website address (Obviously) showthread.php?anchor=glitch25 - (This is the anchor's name that you'd like to jump to) &p=7353 - (This is the post that the anchor you'd like to jump to is nested in)
Yeh. Sorry bout that, acid. I didn't realize that I had only put them in the 3.5 post.
Anyhow, I just updated the main post with your example cross-page url - and the instructions on how to use the cross-page jumping.
Glad ya like the hack as well - but it seems that not many others are using it. Hehe - if they only knew how nice it was
This does not work in Safari. The page simply scrolls to the bottom. There's no jumping or linking to anywhere else. Click a link.... wait for the page to scroll to the bottom, and then, not be able to scroll up again because it continues to scroll downward.
This does not work in Safari. The page simply scrolls to the bottom. There's no jumping or linking to anywhere else. Click a link.... wait for the page to scroll to the bottom, and then, not be able to scroll up again because it continues to scroll downward.
Well, I can't test it to make sure, since Safari requires an Apple computer. Try going to the Demo Links at the top of the page, if they show the same problem, then it'd appear that you're right and the Javascript won't work in Safari.
Well, I can't test it to make sure, since Safari requires an Apple computer. Try going to the Demo Links at the top of the page, if they show the same problem, then it'd appear that you're right and the Javascript won't work in Safari.
Jolten, I tested the earlier versions a week or so ago on my friends Mac. If you would please post the error you get (use the javascript console). Thanks!
Well, I can't test it to make sure, since Safari requires an Apple computer. Try going to the Demo Links at the top of the page, if they show the same problem, then it'd appear that you're right and the Javascript won't work in Safari.
I was referring to the demo links. I haven't installed because this hack will absolutely exclude most Mac users from using the links and in return annoy the hell out of them.