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Old 05-15-2005, 09:40 PM
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what about making most the site visible to registered users only ?
Old 05-15-2005, 10:04 PM
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Hate contacted me in response to a service request. He seemed nice enough for a chap called "Hate" but something just didn't seem right. He refused to show any URLs and stated that his website was for "family" and "our kind"
That set off an alarm that his site could really be hate related and I'm glad I didn't fall for his charm.

I've been burned by independent service providers in the past and now I research like crazy before I pick a freelancer.

I use a certain freelance site quite a bit and it's been great because they handle all payment issues. They use paypal and escrow and act as a middle man between providers and webmasters. Perhaps VB.org could do a similar thing? A fee can be charged for each request and the freelance site I use takes a commision from providers as well.
Providers and webmasters are rated and commented upon after each transaction so it becomes clear after a while, who's good and who's not.

It could create a great revenue stream for this site. There are many freelancer scripts available and it should be pretty easy to integrate one with VBulletin. I'm thinking of doing this on my site since I already have the script but it's written in PERL and I'd rather use a PHP version.

Old 05-15-2005, 11:47 PM
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He contacted me also a while ago offering his services... he seemed kind of pushy and kind of suspicous to me...

I offer services here as well and I have installed many hacks for members here. The one thing I always do is offer refrences.... I have also been ripped by a few here also but it wasn't straight out being burned, it was more like asking for an image link in my navbar and paying $50 for a simple text link.... That type of thing. That was also part of my motivation to learn which is what I am doing now and have been doing for the last few months... I am taking courses, studying and doing some tasks here and in about a year from now maybe I can join the lower ranks of the coders here!!!!

I would never hire anyone without at least seeing either there own site or some of their work....

By the end of the summer I will be totally legit and will have a site and a registered business name etc... Work that I cannot do will be spread out to the many people here who know way more than I do... work will also have a warranty so to speak...

People like Hate come in here and make us all look bad..... That is why my site will have a list of every site i have worked on. It will also have a forum for questions and answers and feedback.... If all goes well I will be looking for a few really smart and trustworthy people to take on some sub work. If interested in this please contact me...
Old 05-16-2005, 02:10 AM
surrosurro surrosurro is offline
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Hey I resent this.
You get what you pay for, besides in my opinion a person will never be able to run a successful website if they must always rely on others to do their coding for them!
Just because I have no clue how to do coding doesn't mean I can't run a site.By me having others do my site gives me more free time to post and get to know my members. IMHO.

Oh, I fogot to mention...why would anyone take anyone one with the screen name "hate" seriously? I wouldn't even respond to anyone with that time of screen name...
I wish you luck in getting your money back but paypay doesn't care. I paid a gal $250.00 for a front page and she never finished the site. I was to pay her more as she worked on it. She was way over her head and didn't know how to complete the job and wanted more money and I refuse to give into her sob story.
Old 05-16-2005, 02:18 AM
Niceboy Niceboy is offline
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this happen to me also i have pay for one Coder here i dont need to put his name here.. but as i know as i have talk to him that he is going to Finiesh the hack About Week and the Coder have over then 20 Hack in his List

I have Reguest this hack to pay 60$ later i change and i tell him if u finiesh this hack very Quick iwill pay you 130$ so he say ok and he tell me well send me the hafe of the payment so i did ..and i send him 65$

after i send him He Reply to me "Thankyou" And i will "Try to finiesh the hack Very Quick" then he come back say The Hack is going to be late " know about 2 manth i never get any reply back or he did not answer to my PM here.. i dont no what the hell is going on .. i can't Say he Ripped my money or he is not Coder his point just to Rip my money but this is really conf me when about 2 manth never reply back to me i see that he posting in his site with his member but he dont come to the dev board to let me know .what is going on .

i think vB Should Close the Paid Reguest forum .. or just add the user who is going to Work for the member here.. so we know who we pay in other time know i'am not going to wait any more i'am going to Send paypal about this user.

Also "Hate" have contact me about the same projact i was giveing the user.. but i pick the other one because when i see the hack in his l ist and when i check hate he have nathing ..

He come add me in MSN and And show me the Dev board but i dont see nathign there..

Old 05-16-2005, 02:19 AM
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Regarding that quote:

Why use vBulletin then? lol

I think people who do this should definitely have some action taken against them.
Old 05-16-2005, 02:31 AM
surrosurro surrosurro is offline
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If you are talking to me, it's cause vb is a good forum. I started off with ezboard but that server sucked. I use to use invision but the customer server sucked as well. Useing the basics is easy but the added hacks (coding) is confusing and I don't care to learn it. I am very thankful there are willing coders willing to help out, paid or not.
Old 05-16-2005, 02:32 AM
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Guys, be sure to report those who do this to paypal so they can at least flag their account for an investigation. I know if anyone complains at my site or are unhappy with their membership for any reason, I refund them immediately without question. Not only to keep in good standing with paypal but it's also not worth hassling over for a few bucks.
Old 05-16-2005, 02:37 AM
surrosurro surrosurro is offline
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well, for me it was hard to report her. It was a lesson learn to not do this through a mutual friend. Plus her boyfriend contacts me to ask if I knew anyone who wanted web designing done. I was like...yeah I will refer you to my frieds, ya right.
Old 05-16-2005, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by surrosurro
If you are talking to me, it's cause vb is a good forum. I started off with ezboard but that server sucked. I use to use invision but the customer server sucked as well. Useing the basics is easy but the added hacks (coding) is confusing and I don't care to learn it. I am very thankful there are willing coders willing to help out, paid or not.
No the quote from your post, Brent Wilsons. 75$ is quite a bit of money for some people, especially if they rarely buy stuff online (or never have before), discourages them. If I lost 75$ to some punk I'd be mad and make sure something is done.
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