theirs a fire? the threads people merely suggesting how to make vBT more attractive and active, don't make it into something it's not, i haven't sensed any annimosity from this thread and hopefully if such posts aren't injected it will remain that way.
their is no, that place aint good cause you're not doing a job or that place needs to be closed, from what i can recall of the thread upon my last full read, it's just it would be good with this/that and a skin change.
it's in no ones best interest for this to be anything other than a few friendly suggestions. i've been going to vBT for a little while now and have tried to be as active as possible as well as be as active as possible, surely three buzzing sites is better than one, kinda like the heads thing? i really think you're seeing something that aint there in this thread, but then again, i'm only me, and have been known to be wrong on many of occasions so i wouldn't really pay any attention to what i was saying if i were you :nervous:
I'm gonna start going going to vBT alot more often now.
Even if it's just me running around with the mods helping people, one more is better then none, correct?
And besides, IMO, it's not the style that counts, it's the content of the site. I've seen some sites with really ugly styles that are even more active than all of the three vB sites put together.
And trust me, vBT has good content, it's just getting it out to people.
VbT ROX, ppl might not think the skins or the mods or even the activity is enough but there are hundreds even thousands off ppl on Vbt a day. I personally think VbT is a great board and it seems to be under a lot of mudslinging by the customers a lot lately, WTF is everyones problem
VbT ROX, ppl might not think the skins or the mods or even the activity is enough but there are hundreds even thousands off ppl on Vbt a day. I personally think VbT is a great board and it seems to be under a lot of mudslinging by the customers a lot lately, WTF is everyones problem
Originally Posted by vBT Statistics
Most users ever online was 121, 04-03-2004 at 02:19 PM.
EDIT: Just for the record, i have no desire to become a member of staff on any jelsoft/jelsoft related site, i just want the best for them as a member of usergroupd 2
Hmm, but you are usergroup 2, neither here nor on vbt
nah vBT is quite good. the numbers don't do it justice, it just needs a few tweaks here and there, then the members will flood in, would love to have a joint vBT/ lounge though :drool:
My style is basically the default style. Besides, what's that have to do with whether it's ugly or not?
Are you implying that I shouldn't say I don't like it because I haven't made a style myself? That's ridiculous. That's like saying don't call a car ugly unless your a car designer.
You assumed my reply was going to be that. You should never assume.
I was just going to take a look at your site thats all, then come post a thread on about what I thought of your forum. You clearly get a lot of fun out of it, why not others.
You assumed my reply was going to be that. You should never assume.
I was just going to take a look at your site thats all, then come post a thread on about what I thought of your forum. You clearly get a lot of fun out of it, why not others.
cute, but lets stay on topic, i was only just in this very thread assuring a jelsoft employee nowt like this would occur