Version: 1.00, by Slynderdale
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-09-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 78
No support by the author.
Im a newbie at php, and this is my first hack, its a uploader i made that uses your vbulletin forum's accounts and pass to upload files into there private folder, it also lets people view what files they uploaded, it also logs when, who, what file was uploaded and the size of the forum to a text file. When some one uplaods it creates a sub folder thats the same as there username and a blank index.html file so no one can browse through there stuff and then uploads the image into there personal sub folder, you can also edit authvb to only alow certain usergroups to upload.
How to setup:
Open config.php and change the settings to how you want them
upload config.php,upload.php and authvb.php
chmod the folder where the log file will go and where the account sub folders will be places so there read and write, probily 0777
Thats it, now go to upload.php and use your vbulletin account and pass and upload a file
Coming soon:
Delete feature
File count limit
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im working on a updated uploads and config, i never thought so many people would like it, heres what the update will have
PHP Code:
//**Email Configuration - use to control the uploading
$email=""; Webmasters email
$email_notify = "no" //If yes, it emails the email above if some one uploads and deletes a file
//Note: Web host must have email support
//**URL Configuration - change them to fit your site
$absolute_path = "/home/your site/files"; //Absolute path to where files are uploaded
$site_url = "http://your"; //the url to where files are uploaded
$log_path = ""; //the path to where the log file will go
//**File Configuration - use to control the uploading
$logging = "no" //logs what people do to a text file
$size_limit = "no"; //do you want a size limit yes or no.
$limit_size = "2000"; //How big do you want size limit to be in bytes
//Note: 1 KB = 1024 bytes 1 MB = 1048576 bytes
$limit_ext = "yes"; //do you want to limit the extensions of files uploaded
$extensions = array(".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp"); //List extensions you want files uploaded to be
$pixellimit = "false"; //do you want to limit the pixel size of images?
$resizeimg = "false"; //resize the image if its to big
$widthlimit = "100"; //max width size in pixels
$lengthlimit = "100"; //max length size in pixels
$allow_databaselimit = "yes"; //limit members database size?
$database_quota_limit = "5048576"; //database size limit in bytes
//**Account Configuration - use to add accounts and limit there access
$bannedaccounts = array();
$allow_guest_uploads = "yes";
//**Site Configuration - use to change how the uploader looks
$show_img = "yes"; //do you want the image you uploaded to show on the screen after you upload
$show_link = "yes"; //do you want the link to the file you uploaded to show on the screen after you upload
$comment_mainpage = ""; //The comment that apears at the bottom of the main page
$comment_upload = ""; //The comment that apears at the bottom of the upload page
$comment_view = ""; //The comment that apears at the bottom of the view page
$comment_delete = ""; //The comment that apears at the bottom of the delete page
$link_url = ""; //The url of the link that apears at the bottom of every page
$link_name = ""; //The name of the link that apears below every page
//**Color and Text Configuration
$color_background = "#18576F"; //The background color
$color_title_table = "#5E6A7B"; //The title table color
$color_body_table = "#818EA0"; //The body table color
$color_text = "#FFFFFF"; //The text color
$color_link = "#818EA0"; //The link color
$color_vlink = "#5C697A"; //The visited link color
$color_alink = "#818EA0"; //The active link color
$text_font = "Verdana"; //The font the text uses
$text_size = "8"; //The text size
$text_size_title = "8"; //The title table text size
$text_size_body = "8"; //The body table text size
//**Database Configuration
$checkservername = "localhost"; // hostname or ip of server
$dbcheckbase = "database name"; // name of database
$encryptedpw = "true"; // encrypted (md5) passwords on/off (true/false)
$dbcheckusername = "database username"; //database user name
$dbcheckpassword = "database password"; //database password
the update will be out in a day or two, at the most, a week, when its done it should be highy customizable, you can install version 1.0 if you want but when 2.0 you can just edit the config and upload over the old files. Hmm, idea, maybe add some admin options like view a list of those who uploaded, there quota, and a view and delete ability.
hmm alright, ill add some customizable error messages that come up for errors, also in the new version im gonna fix the coding up so its esier to read and cleaner
Originally posted by Slynderdale If you plan on useing this on your website, i only ask for one thing, dont say you made it, if you want to give me credit for it you can, you can edit it as you wish, also if you like it, please press install the hack so you get notices on any new updates on it, Thank You