Version: 1.00, by el3m3nt
Developer Last Online: Oct 2002
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-04-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 75
No support by the author.
Latest Version: 1.3
This hack is not very special for me. I just wanted to create a mainpage on which you can see.. (as a member) everything what u like to see. The idea of the script is similar to the vbHome of nakkid and also a little bit to the vBPortal. I tested all of them.. but i was looking for something better . so i decided to write such a script myself...
Active threads & newest posts
News & Polls (read from a newsforum and a pollforum)
Quick CP Links on the index-site
Buddies on the index-site
Very easy to customize. Just edit the templates!
Available in english and german!
Summary: On this index-site you can see everything what you as a member would like to see .
Newscode part from vBHome by nakkid.
Onlinetodaycode part from Online Today Hack by Mystics.
Pollcode part from vBPortal by wajones.
I'd really like to get every feedback you guys can give me. Also post bugreports and suggestions to improve this script. If you have installed this hack, pls click on the install button to receive updates thru email. Thank you .
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.
soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)
rename before uploading the file to something like home.php oder index2.php, than you have also to modify some links in the templates but then you can use your old index file as normally
You can compare with my version where I did it also this way. I postet the link some posts above
damn! this looks great.
this is exact what I needed
thanx el3m3nt
Originally posted by el3m3nt i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.
soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)
when is the version 1.1 out maybe I should wait...
Originally posted by KarateKid can you possibly implement the sessionlocation. That I get no "UNKNOWN LOCATION" Messages in the Online-List
The best way to do this is to intsall FireFly's "Add Who's Online locations from Admin CP" hack located in this thread then you can add other locations easily as well.
I think I may a found a very minor bug, that causes a script error, at least with Internetr Explorer 6, the page still displays correctly, but depending on peoples options many anoying error messages pop up, and I like to get rid of these errors
On line 371 and 373 or there abouts in the php file (mine differs as I've hacked it )