Originally posted by XiXora WOOT THREADED VIEW!!! i needed this about a year ago! my clan u used to the flat view now
you can switch it easy from threaded to linear. a cookie will take care of that to store your choice. dont panic.
this idea comes from [high]wwwthreads[/high] (BBS that totally sucks as design but have a extremly stable code).
Should I even bother to make hakcs for my site right now? I mean what if I spend hours upon hours making hacks for my board and then when vb3 comes out already has it but better... hmmm
Originally posted by FireFly It's really up to you. I'm gonna continue making hacks for now, but probably won't bother making all of them vB3 compatible.
Are those you won't bother with the ones that get implemented into the vanilla vB3, FireFly?