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Old 11-24-2013, 05:36 PM
mathforum mathforum is offline
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I deleted my post. Wasn't trying to hide, rather thought that my knowledge of the details of everything is too little to say much.

What I did write and still agree with is that when you run a forum it is different than free speech in public. If I set the rules of a forum then I am establishing an environment. I make the environment and the rules that allow whatever is happening on my forum to happen, good or bad, and not moderating/not intervening is a conscience choice at a certain level. It's not the same as posting the content myself, but it isn't the same as being 100% detached from it either.

Anyway, I understand now about the lack of replies. Thank you for reminding me. Not trying to be cheeky at all and definitely understand that moderating can be difficult.

Back on topic... I hope all you coders don't have any more run ins with clients set on dishing out misery. This site is really helpful for learning how to build mods one's self
Old 11-25-2013, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by mathforum View Post
Back on topic... I hope all you coders don't have any more run ins with clients set on dishing out misery. This site is really helpful for learning how to build mods one's self
It's not so much that as certain mindsets do not always get along so well, we should not try to determine who was at fault but rather part ways cordially.
Old 12-04-2013, 03:03 PM
Powerlynx Powerlynx is offline
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I have been following this thread with much interest as I am the one whom has sent out those emails looking for someone to do some work. Even though the email sounded generic enough for some to think it was a robot, hacker or machine, I’m still very much alive, flesh and blood.

Your normal procedure of putting up an advertisement for others to contact me hasn’t yielded enough results, (only a small handful have inquired within’) and their results were very, very poor. Infact which is why I had to take the initiative on my own to reach out to people and make my own contacts.

And I might add which was actually appreciated by many whom responded back with words like; “thanks for thinking of me, thanks for reaching out, thanks for the email, etc., etc” so my email wasn’t frowned upon by many, but very much accepted instead.

The first guy that I started working with was on a charging per hour basis and although the 1st half of Day 1 went well, the rest of the afternoon was stretched out with time for little, quick cosmetic tasks to be done.

The 2nd day was even more exemplified of a time-milking process to accumulate as many hours as possible to produce what was again simple cosmetic changes which should have taken no time at all.

The developers response was, “sometimes we’re going to have days like this” and yes, sure I can understand that, but not for the first 2 days in row of starting a working relationship on what should have been simple cosmetic changes. I stopped working with him after 2 days.

The next guy answering my ad was a scammer which I paid him up front a 40% lump sum for an agreed upon price for a multi-page checklist of tasks that needed to be done. That person got to finishing about 15% of that checklist and decided to disappear on me and not respond anymore. Not a very noble move I should say.

Meanwhile through his timeline he tried to get me to send him even more money saying that PayPal has taken my payment back from him and kicked him off of their service. But it was a lie and he was trying to fool me into sending him a double-payment when we were still at only 15% work of his services rendered.

The 3rd guy which I had high hopes for but he turned into another disaster with a poor work ethic. He said he was fast at changes and I kept hearing him say, “I’m lighting in a bottle” “I’m lighting in a bottle” but it was more like “trying to get ketchup out of a new bottle” nothing would come out! And “I’m on it, I’m on it” just wasn’t true as I would check up on the site changes and never seen anything done. Changes were few and far in between.

His ‘M-O’ was excuse after excuse of family errands instead of doing any work at all, so when I hear this same ‘cry-wolf’ scenario again and again, anyone smart enough just doesn’t believe it after the 2nd time.

Infact he did more harm then good to my site as he left the cosmetics in worse shape than when I gave it to him in the first place. By merging two XML style files together which I didn’t want made a total mess.

But I was smart enough to backup everything every night and luckily had the last clean XML style file before this happened. I already knew this was going to work out after Day 3 of no-work happening so I was already migrating to the next person whom I found.

So there you go, a 1-2-3 strikeout of testing out the little amount of programmers that answered my advert, and some of those were ones from this thread. But your regular advertisement approach just wasn’t going to cut it. There was very little response and I had to take a more proactive aggressive approach at finding someone suitable by sending out some emails.

So setishock…I didn’t “single” you out as you said, I just “filtered” you out, and there was no need for you to be so mad over nothing. I’m just looking for the right guy to work with. I’ve said to any developer that I’ve talked to, “I’m not looking to squeeze free work out of you, I’m not looking to screw anyone over by lack of payment. I’m willing to pay someone for their services no problem. I just need someone whom is good, reliable and dependable to do some work on a daily-basis to help me finish up this site, that is all.”
Old 12-04-2013, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Powerlynx View Post
The first guy that I started working with was on a charging per hour basis and although the 1st half of Day 1 went well, the rest of the afternoon was stretched out with time for little, quick cosmetic tasks to be done.
I don't mean to single you out because I see this a lot- but it is rare to see it in a forum in which I can reply. Frankly when I do see this in a paid request I immediately close out of the request and move on to the next one. I wonder if others don't do the same and contibute to why you got so few offers.

How are you so sure it is simple and quick? Surely if you knew how to do it and it was that quick you'd do it yourself?
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DivisionByZero, setishock
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