Version: 1.0.2, by Simon Lloyd
Developer Last Online: May 2023
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 08-07-2011
Last Update: 08-08-2011
Installs: 30
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
What this mod does
With this simple mod you can enter a list of IP's that you want to ban (redirect) one per line, when trying to access your site the user of the IP will be redirected to an obscure google page with a 301 permanent redirect.
What this mod won't do
With this mod you cannot ban partial ranged IP's laid out like this 2.23.123 - 2.23.130
How to install
Simply go to Admincp>Manage Products and import product-baniparray.xml
Please mark as installed if you use this!
Version History
Made it possible to use partial IP addresses v1.0.2
Added custom redirect message box
Added custom redirect url box
Added IP Range boxes for banning IP's that fall within range
Ranged IP's parsed during checks vbetaadded for test purposes 9/08/2011
Beta has email notification ability, this beta is for those of you that wish to test it and feed back!
Checked range block working only against my IP range, please report any bugs!
Other than the ability to redirect to a custom page (which is quite an attractive feature, BTW), what is the difference between this mod and the standard IP Banning options under:
Other than the ability to redirect to a custom page (which is quite an attractive feature, BTW), what is the difference between this mod and the standard IP Banning options under:
ACP > User Banning Options > Banned IP Addresses
you have a point there, i suppose the developer should use that array in the plugin instead of a new textarea
Can you check your /archive/global.php to see if it contains ip_redirect?
just checking it furthur this is the whole script that is affecting it
PHP Code:
// ############################################################################# // ### CACHE PERMISSIONS AND GRAB $permissions // get the combined permissions for the current user // this also creates the $fpermscache containing the user's forum permissions $permissions = cache_permissions($vbulletin->userinfo); $vbulletin->userinfo['permissions'] =& $permissions; // #############################################################################
// check that board is active - if not admin, then display error if ((!$vbulletin->options['bbactive'] AND !($permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'])) OR !($permissions['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) { exec_header_redirect(fetch_seo_url('forumhome|bburl', array())); }
// if password is expired, deny access if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $permissions['passwordexpires']) { $passworddaysold = floor((TIMENOW - $vbulletin->userinfo['passworddate']) / 86400);
if ($passworddaysold >= $permissions['passwordexpires']) { exec_header_redirect(fetch_seo_url('forumhome|bburl', array())); } }
Other than the ability to redirect to a custom page (which is quite an attractive feature, BTW), what is the difference between this mod and the standard IP Banning options under:
ACP > User Banning Options > Banned IP Addresses
This does much more, did you read the settings?, you can ban single ip's, ip ranges, redirect to url of your choice and have notification if specific ip's have accessed your site - different enough?
just checking it furthur this is the whole script that is affecting it
PHP Code:
Code displayed above!
Thats the archive/global.php, i cant seem to recreate it on my test site, my mod works at style fetch, so pretty much before anything else has been executed so redirect happens then, do you have any mods or custom code in your fresh install?