Version: 0.0.2, by janrain
Developer Last Online: May 2012
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 4.0.0
Released: 05-01-2011
Last Update: 06-22-2011
Installs: 20
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Janrain Engage for vBulletin - Beta Released
vBulletin is the world leader in forum and community publishing software. Their customers have created vibrant communities for over 10 years on vBulletin?s stable and mature platform. Developed with security, powerful administration features and speed in mind, it serves over 70,000 online communities.
User's of the vBulletin CMS can now make it quicker and easier for their visitors to register, sign-on, and share by adding the Janrain Engage for vBulletin to their site. This release has been developed using the attest version of vBulletin and should be compatible with vBulletin 4.x or greater.
Features included in this plugin: Site Registration & Login via a Preferred Social Network or Email Provider
Give your visitors the option to sign-in to your site with their existing credentials from a social network or email provider such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, SalesForce, Windows Live ID(XBOX, Hotmail, Messenger), Orkut, MySpace, AOL and others (Over 20 Supported Networks).
Social Sharing with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Yahoo!
A customizable widget to share articles to multiple social networks simultaneously. Users can select up to four social communities such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Yahoo for publishing. On average, each post will generate nine referral clicks back to your site for each post.
We are very excited to announce the Janrain Engage for vBulletin - Beta and will continue to rollout new features and functionality in the coming months. We?d love to hear your feedback so we can continue to improve upon our product.
I think you need to set the api details up for each of your providers on janrain,then it should auto populate.Simply adding the janrain api won't do anything if you haven't set anything up.
here is my error
App ID (Auto-Populated) and all doesnt update
i attacht my problem
maybe anyone can resolve my problem
When you click "Save" do you get an error message? The mod should call the Janrain servers to get values for each of the other fields and populate them automatically, and if it cannot it should throw an error. Do you have access to your server's error log?
hello i ask again
i have install it but on my main domain
but, i install it on different doman it work fine
anyone can help me ?
Can you check if the PHP OpenSSL extension is installed? This is a requirement for this mod as all of our web services operate on encrypted https connections.