Introducing Sofia's CA EVO Royal Blue
Remixed by TheLastSuperman for use with vBulletin 4!
This is a remake of Sofia's CA EVO (Royal Blue) for vBulletin 4. Some of it's features are:
Uses images from the original for example the new post/old post status icons have been remade, same pinstripe background, matching outer border, and remade corners for the navbar.
The forumbits have a mouseover image effect.
The Header and Navbar have been modified to resemble the original.
CMS, Forum, Blog compatible this is a Suite style and can also be used on Forum Classic naturally.
Questions and Answers
Q.So what do we have here? A. Well that's simple! It's a member request for Sofia's CA EVO style to be updated to 4.x format since she posted that her styles could be used virtually in any manner see here for reference:
Q.Anything in particular that I need to know about this style? A. Simple... the header is a fixed size so therefor if your logo is quite large please post a link to the image and I'll adjust the header accordingly. There is some <div style=" instead of <div class= in some areas this will be cleaned up in the 4.1.1 version in fact it will be clean-cut for 4.1.1!
Q.This is 4.1.0 PL2 Style why did you not release a 4.1.1 version and will you release and keep this updated unlike other styles on here? A. I decided to release it initially in 4.1.0 PL2 format as many are still using that atm, within a week I will have a 4.1.1 version released and yes I do plan on keeping this style updated, in fact KevinL has stated he would do a few colors as the original CA EVO style had 25 colors, yes 25 so we do plan on releasing more variations as well so in the end there will be 25 different colors .
Q.Why is there a .zip inside the .zip? A. Well the forums here have a max of 3.0MB file size limit on .zip files so I made it a .zip then added that one into another .zip, this reduced the file size from the 3.15MB down to 2.15MB! Now simply extract the main -Compressed .zip then extract the inside and your ready to rock and roll!
Enjoy the style and post any questions below!
Special Thanks to:
Billy Pilgrim - Initial motivation lol
KevinL - Offering assistance!
Sofia - I miss you on here and thank you for all your past contributions to this community!
Thanks, i'm loving this style but I do have one problem, you can see it live HERE (I've called it Royal Blue in the drop down list if it's not the default when you check yet). the Nav Tab which is selected isn't readable like in your screenshots, hoping it's something simple but I'm not sure how to change it or whats gone wrong. Thanks
Edit: I might be doing some editing of the Nav Tabs later, but just to comfirm that it's like this on a default Nav bar, so it isn't interference from another Nav Tab mod.
Bummer - this is orphaned, now. It was a pretty good theme.
True however only due to the fact I had some initially say they would help upkeep this style AND help w/ making the other colors. Sadly I was the only one to work on this at all so when it's only one instead of three working toward something you fall short respectively.
Originally Posted by taumau
Is fine to 4.1.11?
No, I'm not updating this style to any current version however you can have someone more than likely sort all issues OR simply use the styles.xml for reference and re-create the style for you.