Version: 1.0.1, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.0.3
Released: 05-26-2010
Last Update: 08-05-2010
Installs: 171
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Threads Started by User in Postbit and Profile for vB 4
Version 1.0.1
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
This product counts the threads started by a user and displays it in the postbit and the profile, under the About Me tab. It will also display the threads per day in the profile. The thread count is automatically updated hourly via cron job. New threads are added to the count in real time. No extra queries are run in the postbit or profile when getting the thread count, only when the cron job runs. This product only counts valid threads (not moderated or soft-deleted threads).
Note: Only 1 query is used during the hourly cron update.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vBulletin 4.0.3
Version 1.0.1 --Added 'Percent of total forum threads/posts' in the profile.
Installation Overview:
1 Product XML (8 Plugins, 4 Phrases and 2 templates)
Installation Instructions:
Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugins & Products'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_threads_started.xml file on your computer
Thanks for this. I have one little error, (My error - not the mod - it works perfect) if someone could tell me what to do to put that in a box to? (Please)
Thanks for this. I have one little error, (My error - not the mod - it works perfect) if someone could tell me what to do to put that in a box to? (Please)
Installed on - vb 4.0.5
Thanks in advance
You would have to see how they are doing the other boxes in the postbit_legacy and wrap the code in that.
I installe3d and it all went through alright but nothing happened on the forum. It is 3 in the morning so my eyes aren't working but do I have to "enable" this and if so, where? I couldn't find it in the admincp/options.
EDIT : I see the stats under the "About Me" section but nothing in the postbit
I installe3d and it all went through alright but nothing happened on the forum. It is 3 in the morning so my eyes aren't working but do I have to "enable" this and if so, where? I couldn't find it in the admincp/options.
EDIT : I see the stats under the "About Me" section but nothing in the postbit
That is why you are having problems with it showing right in the template. As I do not use that mod, I have no idea what they have changed from the default template. I would say you need to ask in the thread for the mod. The product works with the default template setup.