Adds a Gallery option to the nav bar which allows browsing and searching of pictures. Also adds an album browser to the Community dropdown menu.
The search functions searches album title, album description, picture caption AND username.
Note: If guest permission AdminCP->Usergroups->UserGroup Manager->Unregistered/Not Logged In->Can View Albums is "yes" then they will be able to browse album and picture thumbnails - they may NOT be able to view the full-size pictures. To hide the gallery menu from guest see Settings below.
The product is fully phrased
Tested with Vbulletin 3.8.4/5 (note: earlier versions have not been tested and are not supported) AND vBadvanced 3.
Settings: None are needed - it does what it says on the tin .
AdminCP->Options->User Profile:Album Options"Pictures Per Page" and "Albums Per Page" control the number of thumbnails displayed per page in each gallery type.
If you want to hide the picture Gallery menu from guests then edit the Gallery picture navbar plugin and change $allowguests to false
Unzip the download package and copy the contents of the UPLOAD folder into your forum folder.
Go to the VB AdminCP->Plugins & Products click "Manage Products". The click "Add/ImportProduct" at the bottom of the page.
Click "Browse" button and point to the product-gallery-(etc).XML file included in this ZIP package.
Thx HCGB but i don't think that's the problem. They are already set to 150 maximum height and width of thumbnails (in Message Attachment Options and also in Album options). So the Album is displaying them ok... but the problem seems to be with the Albums that have long titles or get displayed in portrait mode (instead of landscape).
I am afraid to do the Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails as i have over 20GB of attachments... Plus, i don't think rebuilding them will change anything... as they already have 150 maximum height/width... I don't know how to fix this...
Try (temporarily) increasing the thumbnail size to 200 or so and see what happens to the display. It looks to me like you have several thumbnails that are larger than the size specified and this is breaking the table layout (the "frame" each picture is displayed in should always be the same size).
Or... send me a link to your page or send a copy of the page html (from the browser view page source) and I'll take a look at it.
Thx for your support HCGB !
Here is the album page: with thumbnails set to fit at 150px. I've tried different sizes, but i get the same result...
Also, in the homepage, because i use vBadvanced, the All Albums link will go to (without /forum/ inside). I've added albumall.php in Global vBadvanced Settings - Navbar Replacements but still doesn't work ok. If i am inside the forum, the link gets the /forum/ inside the link... Strange
Thx for your support HCGB !
Here is the album page: with thumbnails set to fit at 150px. I've tried different sizes, but i get the same result...
Also, in the homepage, because i use vBadvanced, the All Albums link will go to (without /forum/ inside). I've added albumall.php in Global vBadvanced Settings - Navbar Replacements but still doesn't work ok. If i am inside the forum, the link gets the /forum/ inside the link... Strange
It must be an issue with your style - you could try adjusting the StyleVars: cell padding and cell spacing. You will find things a lot easier if you run vBA in the same directory as your forum.
I have a question .. the photos .. are they the same photos uploaded by member?
or using this Mod, the Admin can create an album and upload pictures into it?
Best regards
This mod is a gallery search and view - pictures and albums are created and uploaded by users using the standard vBuleltin album support. Anyone with the correct permissions can create albums or upload pics.