Version: 1.00, by MARCO1
Developer Last Online: Jan 2022
Category: Profile Enhancements -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 01-10-2010
Last Update: Never
Installs: 69
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
MARCO1 Member Custom Titles For All Members or for Specific Usergroup
Description :
This Mod Allow your Members or your SUPPORTERS Members to have a SECOND user title that they can edit - remove it as they want and in any time from UserCp
Very Nice Idea and very easy installation. Let your member choose there second title :up:
Installation :
First you need to add a new User Profile Field, Follow this steps 1. vB AdminCp > User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field
And Make the settings as this image
2. After click save take the field number and add it into MARCO1 Custom user title from vBulletin options.
3.And that's the Mod Options after installation :
Screen-Shot from Users-Cp
History :
1.0 First Release vB4.X
Note for Arabic Users : If you want to translate this Mod please PM Me First You didn't have any permission To Edit - Translate This Mod before Contact me.
look like i fix it now but another question: it looks like this
-------->WebMaster(second user title)
-------->Join date
everything after Administrator is shifted to the right, can someone help me fix this , thanks a lot
I'm having the same user permissions problem. I've set the usergroup IDs so that only Admin and Moderators should be able to use this, but regular users still have access to it.
Marco can you help me, it is not showing in postbit?
Forgive me, it is working. I do have one problem tho....
If I do not put all the usergroup ID's into the options field than those users CANNOT see the title. Only the users that are enabled under options can see it. And it seems everyone has this field in their profiles edit options, but if they enter something there- it will not show unless their usergroup is activated. Am I making sense?
Once it was complete, I logged out and signed in with my test account for member and I could not see the title on my Admin account's posts. So I signed in as a moderator, same thing. Enabled member and moderator in usergroups and only then I could see it.
Update on this mod. All members can use this mod. The usergroups I have set in your settings are only the users who can SEE this mod. But all usergroups can use it. Any update for this soon? thx
OK I ran into a small problem. I have a custom image over the persons avatar and when you engage the program it put its right beside the image and not under the avatar or where it should be. If you have custom wording like "Premium Member" then it's OK. Anyone have this issue?