Introduction & Description:
This product allows you to choose which profile fields you want to show in the postbit / postbit_legacy, and adds them automatically without any query or any template edit.
Zero Query!
Zero Template Edit!
Set it once, and forget it.
Choose which profile fields to show by entering their names (ex: field1) in the option (Profile Fields To Show In Postbit).
Set the display order in the option (Profile Fields To Show In Postbit).
Choose to show titles for profile fields or not.
If not, profile fields' values will be separated by dash - and shown in one line Attachment 78860.
Otherwise every profile field will be shown in its own line (in the format title: value) Attachment 78861.
Choose to show the profile fields in one of current three supported locations:
How comes you don't use any query or any template edit even?
When you set your options, a template will be modified to suit your new options, and will be cached, eval()ed and used to show the profile fields.
Installation & Upgrade: 3.7.0 at least is required.
Import the product file product-profile_fields_in_postbit.xml and you're done.
Choose yes to overwrite for upgrading.
Now modify the settings in (Thread Display Options (showthread)) according to your needs.
When you upgrade, make sure you hit the save button in the Thread Display Options (showthread) page.
See the screen shot Attachment 78859, settings explain themselves.
Change log:
2.0.0 first public release, on April, 17 2008
2.0.1 released on May, 17 2008
Performance optimized: I don't create a template on the fly anymore, the template will be updated once upon saving the Thread Display Options (showthread) options.
2.0.2 released on May, 24 2008
Bug fixed: Profile fields' titles aren't shown in quick replies, announcements and PMS. 1, 2 and 3.
Is there a way to show the text from the Multiple-Selection Checkbox? As it is now it only shows the number of the checkbox marked. The only text that it does show now is from the Single-Line Text Box.
Thank You Nice hack!
This can't be implemented without queries! I'm sorry.
2.0.1 released on May, 17 2008
Performance optimized: I don't create a template on the fly anymore, the template will be updated once upon saving the Thread Display Options (showthread) options.
When you upgrade from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 make sure you hit the save button in the Thread Display Options (showthread) page.
2.0.1 released on May, 17 2008
Performance optimized: I don't create a template on the fly anymore, the template will be updated once upon saving the Thread Display Options (showthread) options.
When you upgrade from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 make sure you hit the save button in the Thread Display Options (showthread) page.
yes, cause when you overwrite the product it delete the previous options ...