Version: 1.25, by Hellcat
Developer Last Online: Apr 2014
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 05-21-2006
Last Update: 06-27-2006
Installs: 71
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
So, a little something this time I had on my mind for quite a while now....
PM Auto-Reply MOD by ---==> HELLCAT <==---
This adds an "auto responder" to the PMs.
When enabled, everytime you get sent a PM the sender is automatically returned a PM containing a predefined message (editable in options).
To tell the sender you're offline for a while and answer should be expected sometime later or such....
Adds an auto responder (auto reply) option to the PMs
Can be turned ON and OFF in useroptions
A date can optionally be specified between automated replies are sent
Another user can optionally be specified to whom a copy of the recieved PM is forwarded to
Admin can specify usergroups not allowed to use the auto responder
Import the product .XML
One tiny template edit:
Open template "modifyoptions " (in "Modify Useroptions" group) and FIND THIS:
Save the template.
Done, and enjoy!
The admin option for excluding usergroups is in "vBulletin Options" -> "Private Messaging Options" at the bottom: "Exclude usergroups from using the PM auto reply feature"
I intentionally didn't do it with usergroup permissions since that would require a .XML file to be uploaded and I wanted to stay this as a single product/plugin file
[hint]I'd also like something like this on [/hint]
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Just uploaded an updated version.
Hopefully fixed the two bugs ("blahblah missing bleh error in whatdoiknow.php" and the excluding issue) and added (by special request of a special Boofo ) some replacement variables:
{name}, {from} and {to}
Hi Hellcat,
Thank you for the update
I'm having problems with the tags.
If I type a message in the box such as:
Hi {to},
Thank you for your message.
I will get back to you shortly,
The {name} works but {to} does not work and leaves the message like this missing out the name of the member its being sent to.
This would be perfect if i could name one user who will optional receive a copy of this pn, so my co-admin for example will receive this pn as well and could answer?
This would be perfect if i could name one user who will optional receive a copy of this pn, so my co-admin for example will receive this pn as well and could answer?
I actually like that idea and I could be quite easiely be done, I think....
[high]* Hellcat puts on ToDo[/high]
Just install on my 3.5.3 site and does not work. No error plugin installs and added the code to the modifyoptions template and excluded the groups from admincp and nothing shows up in the users edit options :surprised:
Just install on my 3.5.3 site and does not work. No error plugin installs and added the code to the modifyoptions template and excluded the groups from admincp and nothing shows up in the users edit options :surprised:
Remove everything from the excluded groups setting in the AdminCP and try again.
There's a bug with that I still need to fix.
Report if it's showing up then, if not wee look for other causes
Great plugin this. Exactly what one of our users was asking for. One problem I've noticed though is the textarea for editing the autoreply message appears too wide in Firefox:
It causes the box around the PM Auto-Reply Options to be wider than the other boxes around settings groups on that page. Seems fine in IE and Opera though. I found changing the textarea to 60 columns from 64 got it looking right in Firefox (but made the textarea slightly smaller in IE and Opera).
Also I'm not sure if the {name} replacement variable is working right. Your description says it gets replaced with the name of the auto-reply recipient, which is the person receiving the automatic reply. So if I send a PM to bob and get an autoreply, {name} should be replaced with freedom2support since I am the auto-reply recipient. But currently the plugin would replace it with the recipient of the PM (bob) and not of the auto-reply.
Great plugin this. Exactly what one of our users was asking for. One problem I've noticed though is the textarea for editing the autoreply message appears too wide in Firefox:
It causes the box around the PM Auto-Reply Options to be wider than the other boxes around settings groups on that page. Seems fine in IE and Opera though. I found changing the textarea to 60 columns from 64 got it looking right in Firefox (but made the textarea slightly smaller in IE and Opera).
Also I'm not sure if the {name} replacement variable is working right. You description says it gets replaced with the name of the auto-reply recipient, which is the person receiving the automatic reply. So if I send a PM to bob and get an autoreply, {name} should be replaced with freedom2support since I am the auto-reply recipient. But currently the plugin would replace it with the recipient of the PM (bob) and not of the auto-reply.
it maybe a little big, but still looks ok, it doesnt make the outside table any bigger.