Version: 1.00, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 03-26-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 40
No support by the author.
vB3 Unanswered Threads Hack
Version 1.3
(By Boofo and Kirby)
What does this hack do?
This hack will provide you with a link that will pull up all unanswered threads on your forums and also unanswered threads on a forum by forum basis. Unanswered threads are threads that have no replies to them. This is great for forums that do any kind of tech support so you can find the posts that have not been answered and respond to them.
Version information:
Version 1.0 --Initial Release
Version 1.1 --Updated to allow Admins, Super Moderators and Moderators to see the link.
Version 1.2 --Added code for Forum Tools Menu links and Navbar Quick Links.
Version 1.3 --Fixed nasty bug with the semi-colon showing up by itself for unanswered threads. Now "Unanswered Threads --" (sans quotes) will show up in place of the semi-colon if the search is for unanswered threads.
Installation overview: Files to edit: (1)
--search.php Templates to edit: (6)
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Guys, a hand here, i need some help to filter out some forums from the query, i want to open the search to all users but dont want them to see some admin/moderator specific posts.
Guys, a hand here, i need some help to filter out some forums from the query, i want to open the search to all users but dont want them to see some admin/moderator specific posts.
Boofo, I just clicked install, but I've only used template changes, and did not change the search.php file. Are there any advantages to editing search.php?
Boofo, I just clicked install, but I've only used template changes, and did not change the search.php file. Are there any advantages to editing search.php?
Without the code added to the search.php, the template edits won't work right.
Is there a way to modify the search so that only threads from the last x hours or x days are considered? My database is so huge searching the whole shebang takes several seconds.
Is there a way to modify the search so that only threads from the last x hours or x days are considered? My database is so huge searching the whole shebang takes several seconds.
I add this to the end of the link "&searchdate=7" to restrict it to one week.
and also how do i hide those results which appear on top of search ??
like i want to hide this.
Search: Unanswered Threads -- Forum: Introduce Yourself or Ebooks or Games or Internet or Networking and Security or WWW or Processors & Motherboards or Graphics / Video Cards or Overclocking & PC Modding or Components or Portable Devices or Applications in General or Operating Systems or Coding/Programming & Design or Tips, Tweaks and Hacks or GUI-Modding, Desktop Themes, Icons etc or Tutorials or Reviews