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vBxB -> vBJournalLite 1.1b by Ryangel Custom Blog/Journal System ADDON. Details »»
vBxB -> vBJournalLite 1.1b by Ryangel Custom Blog/Journal System ADDON.
Version: 1.00, by Harlequin Harlequin is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2005 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 10-13-2003 Last Update: Never Installs: 11
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

vBxB -> vBJournalLite 1.1b by Ryangel Custom Blog/Journal System ADDON.

::What does this hack do?::

This hack enables the user to pick from three different types of templates from an already installed vBJournalLite and customize them to his or her wishes. This can be a great addon for your site. It can be modded to custom-fit "premium" users. It also can also be a great addition for someone's own personal site that would enjoy adding the benefit of having a blog or journal available for their visitor's reading but would rather not install [or cannot install] the proper php or cgi code to run the journal.

::What templates are included with this journal hack?::

There are three templates included though more can be added with a little work from the site admin. The first template is the exact same, default template that vBJournal Lite uses. The second template selection isn't really a template at all -- it's a very user-customizable version of a site header and footer [using textboxes saved via the SQL db]. The second template option also uses a custom CSS LINK along with the CSS color code/width options given for setup in the journal config. This enables the user to customize his or her own site [header AND footer] (using their own webserver and webspace) with the user's journal entries being placed firmly in the middle. Finally, the third template available has been taken directly from LiveJournal
(the 'Generator' template) and it has been modded to fit this addon's
needs appropriately. I take no credit for the layout of the template whatsoever
nor it's classed contents.

::Why have you included Ryangel's journal.php with this zip?::

As I'm trying to get this out to the public as quick as I can, I just don't remember all of the code I went through trying to get this running. I know that dummy me should've wrote down or saved what I was doing to another file somewhere, but I was too anxious to get this going.

Ryangel, if you have any problems with me including the modded version of your file, please alert me immediately and I'll try my best to edit the install file to include what I've done to your original code asap. Thank you!



:: REMEMBER THIS HACK IS A BETA! :: It can and probably WILL screw up on you if there is something wrong or if I have forgot anything in the install instructions! If in the case I have forgot something in the install instructions, please tell me and I'll fix it asap!

If you notice something wrong or your journal is acting quirky, please let me know!

This is my first hack for vBulletin! It's probably not the cleanest code you've ever seen nor is it even all that brilliant, but it gets the job done I think. >.>;

I will NOT be held responsible for user's boards that have been messed up
by this hack! You have been forewarned both here and in the journal.php file itself!

::Possible SECURITY issues?::

I am not aware of any security issues or threats that this may cause to your vBulletin forum, though this obviously doesn't mean that they aren't possible.

The blog's header and footer function uses a 'textbox' input. That's alot of possible HTML code that can be added and, of course, it can be modded. It reads -anything- like a normal HTML file can. Meaning - if the user has on his or her webspace a flash file, it will read the flash file. I don't know how to take these statements out of the user's input yet.. so please don't kill me for that. :P

Maybe you guys could offer some suggestions on it?

::To Do:::

SQL Queries to INSERT: (23) [I think. I was pretty drunk counting this. ]
Files Modified: (2)
Templates Added: (5) Templates Modified: (5)
Files to Upload from .ZIP: (5)

::This sounds pretty cool, but what about the screenshots?::

The screenshots are included in the attached ZIP at the bottom. Please make sure you look at these for any information you'd like to receive on what's included in the modifications this addon will install.

Thanks go out to Ryangel, Anime-loo, PixelFX, LiveJournal, and all the vBulletin

If this works, I hope you enjoy! Please have fun with it and try to think of some ideas! This is atleast a backbone for your thoughts if nothing else.

** Updated journal/templates to allow EXISTING USERS [10:28pm] [10-24-03] - This is EXPERIMENTAL at this time. It worked for me! That's all I tested it on, but it should work. This swaps the journal_deftemp and journal_display templates as well as adds an updated journal.php to reflect these changes. Existing users can now change their options at will. If this doesn't work then notify me immediately and I'll try fixin' it.

** Updated SQL INSERT [11:20pm] [10-15-03] - Had someone testing that needed to create a journal. SQL error came up due to an error in the INSERT line [my screwup. Oops.] Fixed.

** Updated WARNING [10:54pm] [10-15-03] - Custom template had no warning to the user whatsoever if their header information was not entered in their journal config. Fixed.

** Updated SCREENSHOTS [7:01pm] [10-15-03] - Updated screenshots. Previous screenshots were way too small anyway. Each screenshot shows the new modifications (atleast what the user sees.)

** Updated QUERIES [12:58am] [10-15-03] - Forgot to add two db queries. Fixed.

** Updated TEMPLATE [1:20am] [10-14-03] - Forgot to add one of the templates to mod. x.x; Fixed.

** EDIT 10:06pm [Jan. 06, 04]

Expect a bunch of new stuff to be released with the next version. For details, check one of the last posts.

** EDIT 11:26pm [Jan. 20, 04]

An active demo of the Nightingale Journal is now available. As it's in beta, you can receive a fully templated journal with no community posts required. Please click here for it.

Warning: It's anime, it's girly, and it's a small community.

Also, if you experience problems (parse errors appearing randomly, something not loading..) it's because of the work I'm doing to it, more than likely.

Another note - don't expect this to be the final version after beta. I'm constantly adding changes and ideas. This is the -base- of the journal, however.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-04-2003, 07:12 AM
memobug memobug is offline
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Originally Posted by FleaBag
I forgot to ask previously... Does this addon give any admin options? I had to stop use of the original journal hack because some of my members were posting offensive comments and I wasn't able to remove them.
I don't know what "original journal hack" you mean, the 1.1b journal I installed prior to this one does let the admin edit and delete others' entries and comments, which sounds like it was your problem? There were not tools to delete entire journals that I have seen. This particular hack appears to include a template management system for that 1.1b, so I don't believe it has any additional admin options, but maybe someone who has installed it will step up and answer your question with more certainty.


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Old 12-13-2003, 08:54 AM
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I've began work on this hack again just as of today. I had to find a little time in between site version changes to work on it.

What I've found and what I was able to remedy with just today:

* With the vBxB I had originally coded, I found a few template errors. Fixed those and made some considerable improvements. I would like to redo the help files with something that looks halfway decent [rather than a throw-together job like they were originally.]

* Next/Previous per x amount of entries -- Ryangel had already coded this and commented out it's lines [while adding others to make the journal functional]. At this point in time, I have no clue as to why he did that, but I'm sure that if there's an error or a bug I'll find it within the coming days. If anyone is aware why Ryangel did this, please let me know. For right now -- next/previous appears to be in good working order with no visible errors.

* Added some security catches to member.php before html code submission.

I'm not going to put any feature up that I'd like to add as my coding expertise isn't that stable and I certainly don't want to bring anyone's hopes up only to let them down.

I do plan on checking into store integration as well as user posts > x to own a journal, but I give no guarantees.

And no, I haven't updated the zip -- I don't plan on updating the zip until I can hit a pretty major beta release on this.

** EDIT:

* Just added an option for an admin to set the x amount of posts needed to create a journal. [Configurable within the file, like always.]

* Since private entries are kept to the user, private and public entries now have their own listing [both with next/previous]. One can only display private entries, one can only display public entries. The 'View Private' option is available from the main journal page itself -- public entries are found the same way they always were.

** EDIT:

* Added # of comments added per entry. If no comments, displays "add comment // no comments". Partially admin configurable from file.

* If 0 comments, "0 comments" when clicked will bring up the add comments template. If higher than 0, all comments will be displayed *first* and then "Add Comments" will display at the bottom. "Add Comment", a seperate, but similiar option, is now to the right of "x Comments" -- in place of the former "view comments // add comment" as was on the original vBJournal. Again, a LiveJournal-type system.

* EDIT/DELETE now only display if you are either an admin or the owner of the journal.

* Moved Blog Header HTML textbox and Blog Footer HTML textbox to a seperate form/template all together. This makes it a little easier for securing up the textbox and looks a little more professional. When the "Custom" option isn't selected, where the boxes originally were now display something like, "You haven't chosen the custom template.", yet when the "Custom" option is selected, a "Click here to edit the header" or "Click here to edit the footer" now appears.

* Added a user-definable HTML filter via a txt file, upper/lower case, doesn't matter -- it works.

* http:// links now parse submitting entry/comment [add/edit].

* BBCodes [with the exception of [img]] parse submitting entry/comment [add/edit].

* The original coding I had left both mood and music to display whether or not there was anything in the entries or not. Fixed.

** EDIT [2:00AM // Dec. 14]

* Just started template "beautification" process. The vBJournal Lite default template needed some work, especially after the hell I gave it. So the default template is back to using forum colors { } and 100% width for all of your layout needs. [and it looks considerably better, imho.] I'll have the other templates "beautified" probably by tommorrow, maybe today -- who knows. The custom template is next on the agenda and I'm going to include some very small graphics in this next release to allow the admin a definable header/body tag/footer. Obviously I'll have my own rendition of a layout with the graphics I'll be including and this layout rendition will disappear once the user touches the custom system with his or her own html.

** EDIT [1:25PM // Dec. 15]

* The custom template now no longer displays jack if the user hasn't edited it. Everything defaults to a wannabe journal layout until the user has actually touched the field with his or her own stuff.

* The regular, default journal template looks alot better now. I've replaced it's colors back with the vB defaults and it looks pretty groovy.

* The help files are now in template form [thus making them atleast look -something- like your board] and I've went back to rewrite them a little. It's not much, but it helps.

*The HTML check successfully blocks the following HTML commands from all four major added input locations [header, fooder, css, bodytag]: OBJECT, SCRIPT, PHP, default flash extensions, EMBED, INPUT, META tags, FORMs.. and I'm open to suggestions on what else to block.

* New entries/comments // edit entries/comments contains vBCode buttons, vBSmilies, and login status.

** EDIT [1:34am // Dec. 17]

* Added "Who Has a Journal" feature. Shows the username, links to their journal, their journal ID, the # of their journal's views, and the template type they're currently using [N/A, Regular, Custom, Layout] -- so many per page with a next/prev feature.

** EDIT [8:45pm // Dec.17]

* The journal "homepage" that listed a little bit of information about user's journals and allowed users to create/view their journals is no more. I've revamped that entirely. In a vB3 UserCP control-panel style, a menu to the left displays with all available options [including a link to the heavily modified JournalCP]. To the right, the three most recent public entries from whoever are displayed. Above the most recent public entries and the menu, information about your journal is displayed. [Views, new comments, your avatar, etc.]

** EDIT [2:00am // Dec. 20]

** Added a buddy list on the main Journal page showing which of your buddies have a journal.

** For each journal entry displayed, the actual date now only displays once on the first journal entry of the new day. Time still displays per entry. Later on tonight or tommorrow I'll revamp the templates to make the entries appear in a full table rather than the table per table setup as they are now. Yet again, this is leaning more towards a LiveJournal kind of setup. [ This took me quite awhile because, for some odd reason, it wasn't clicking how to pull the date() function once in the array and -not- have it equal the same day, which would make the date display for each journal entry.. as if the statement weren't needed at all. All I can say is I've learned my lesson. ]

** EDIT [3:00pm // Dec. 30]

** Added a journal helpfile - one page template in a vBulletin FAQ format.

** Two things are currently irking me: The display date once per journal entry day format and the vBulletin smilies/buttons on the actual entry/comments menus. They turned out to be a bit buggier than I had thought whenever another user tested them. Until then I hadn't received any problems -- so I'm going to leave them as is and work on them as such until they're able to be released without error. Sorry for those of you that were looking forward to these options, but I'll try to fix 'em [No guarantees.], however if I am unable to fix them, I'll revert them back to their original way and release.

** Certainly you read the post below concerning Ryangel's permission, didn't you? :P

** EDIT [9:23am // Jan 03]

** Did several code optimizations. Reads from db much less and imho, runs alot faster now. x.x;

** Since main "journal home" required some information about the user's current journal, I've added in a big if -- if your journal simply isn't active, a nice welcoming template pops up to alert you and poke and prod you into creating a new journal. If so many posts hasn't been reached [admin set], then the simple error template pops up saying x amount of posts required to create a journal.

** Oh, and congrats to all the vB3 hack releasers. I don't plan on updating to vB3 for awhile, so if you're wanting a version of this for that you're going to have to wait. :P

** EDIT [1:25pm // Jan 03]

** The people that've been screaming for admin options to delete user's journals will certainly enjoy this. I've added this function. It removes a user's comments, entries, and other journal information acquired while they've owned the journal.
Not to be outdone by myself, this also prompts me to rewrite what I already had for the template queries, as I'm going to transfer them over to the journal table -- which is what they shoud've been to begin with. All in all, this journal is not only a complete rewrite of my additions, but also Ryangel's existing journal. While some of the original code is certainly there, the modifications are tremendous.

[And wow, this thing runs super sweet now if I must say so myself.]

** EDIT [10:32pm // Jan 13]

** Fixing the smaller ordeals now. Did some searching, memobug had a beautiful solution to the image problem that I was sure -was- the problem, I just didn't know exactly what the final function call should look like. Result: Parsing URLs and images now work fine. You should be able to add quiz results and all sorts of neat stuff to your journal.

[Sorry for the recent slowdown in my progress - I've been a bit busy with work.]

** EDIT [12:15am // Jan 15]

** Big step in the right direction -- I've added an admin menu for the journal accessible from the vBulletin adminCP. Here you're able to set the correct "default" colors/look for your journal along with the HTML/CSS information [unrestricted]. Among the journal look, these options are referred to only whenever the user doesn't have his or her own values set for that particular setting. You can also edit the # of posts required to own a journal, whether or not to allow the journal the ability to parse bbcode/urls, etc. etc. etc. Later today I'll work on allowing a list/deletion/view system.

** Full fledged admin system now running smoothly from the AdminCP. As listed above, you can set the default journal settings. I've just added the entire user system. It lists users, allows you to view/edit the user's journal information (their template config setup) and view some other information. You can also delete users from here. Upon deletion, their entries, comments, and other journal-related data is completely removed.

** EDIT [6:58pm // Jan 15]

** Large install file tested and appears to be completed. Installs templates [automatic], runs all necessary queries [automatic], shows what modifications to make in member.php and other files, shows existing template modifications that need to be made, etc.

I am also going to add an upgrade file for existing vBJournal Lite and vBxB users --that's next on the agenda. Then I'll be ready for testing on my board.

** EDIT [11:36 // Jan 20]

** An active demo of the Nightingale Journal is now available. As it's in beta, you can receive a fully templated journal with no community posts required. Please click here for it.

Warning: It's anime, it's girly, and it's a small community.

Also, if you experience problems (parse errors appearing randomly, something not loading..) it's because of the work I'm doing to it, more than likely.

Another note is that this is not the final version of the journal. Please don't expect it to be.

** Added IFRAME support. Journal calls your header information on your main journal viewing page, then entries appear on a seperate page. Some people might be curious as to why I did this -- it's pretty simple, isn't it? Viewing someone's journal from your site would only display their entries if they were using IFRAMEs, while the rest of their journal is located on another site.. which is obviously something the user doesn't want. This solves that problem.

** With IFRAMES, I've also allowed users to select "transparent" backgrounds for their entries.

** Moved around 40% of journal.php into another file [IFRAME functions, view private entries], journal2.php.

** Plan: Moving user's journal configuration into a seperate file.
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Old 12-14-2003, 03:37 AM
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sounds awesome, sounds like you've been majorly busy
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Old 12-14-2003, 04:01 AM
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Please continue checking back in the thread I posted previously for further updates.

I do plan on releasing this again with these crucial improvements.
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Old 12-16-2003, 01:36 PM
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Considering what I've done to this journal as it is now -- this is becoming more than just an "addon"/plugin to Ryangel's current journal. It's actually becoming the rewrite Anime-loo talked about in previous posts. Not only is his journal more secure with entries, with code dead ends, other issues, it's also became almost anything a user would possibly want for the meantime for his or her journal. His existing templates are being modified to comply with 2.3.2 standards [although the release before 3 final is out, I don't plan on updating for some time until vb3 has the ability to wrinkle out the majority of it's bugs and have a fair amount of hacks released].

To put this short, if anyone can find Ryangel's whereabouts, please notify him that I have a major rewrite of his journal on my hands. If I released it, I'd feel like I was cheating him without having his permission first.

Certainly, I don't think the lot of you would agree with having your hacks released modified with someone else's coding and no permission. The addon was just that -- an addon, and it's effects can be fairly easily removed from the file with a little bit of looking.

Anybody have any thoughts on this? I've pm'd Ryangel to ask - so no guarantees.
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Old 12-16-2003, 01:47 PM
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thanks for all your efforts harle
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Old 12-24-2003, 05:04 PM
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Doh! Wanted to install this yet the link is down
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Old 12-24-2003, 06:48 PM
VeoMorphine VeoMorphine is offline
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404 link. Can you attach?
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Old 12-24-2003, 09:27 PM
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As I've stated in one of the previous posts, I'm not updating my code with the features listed above until I make sure they're proper and without error. To add to that, Ryangel needs to give some sort of confirmation to me in a reply concerning his journal. I've hacked it to bits and pieces.

As far as the link is concerned, I -will- fix it whenever things are tweaked with the journal. The previous copy, the copy I released, I'm finding had several errors that I simply didn't catch.

Give me a little while. I'm working on the after-Christmas version of the site currently.
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Old 12-29-2003, 12:15 PM
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Excellent news. Ryangel has given me permission to release this as long as I include his name as the writer of the original code. I was most certainly planning on doing this anyway!

However, it'll be, more than likely, another week before I'm able to return to work on the journal. Currently I'm working on finishing the new site layout, I need to work on a new picker for the chat server, and then I need to retouch a few journal items and find bugs. I'll release this under another beta thread with a different name since this thread has been vastly changed [as has the "addon".]
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Old 02-25-2004, 01:10 AM
CRego3D CRego3D is offline
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did you ever started another thread ? I cant fidn nuttin
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Old 02-25-2004, 04:04 AM
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I wanted to. I was actually setting up this version for a release on VB2, but it appeared to me the initial interest in it dropped dramaticly.

I've already upgraded the script to vb3 and added/am adding numerous improvements that I think are just really groovy. Although, the vb3 version is something I plan on customizing and using exclusively for my site.

As far as my coding is concerned, I've improved quite nicely with the help of others and I think I'm beginning to feel pretty comfortable with the language. The current journal on the vb2 Twilight Hour site hasn't been near as optimized as the vb3 test board version because I was just going to go ahead and upgrade.. and concentrate my efforts elsewhere.

Ultimately, if interest in the script stirs back up, I'll fix what I've found wrong with my vb2 version and release after I've been in contact with Ryangel again. Until then, I don't plan on touching the vb2 version with a 10 foot stick so I may continue work on the new stuff for myself.
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Old 02-25-2004, 10:19 AM
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Interest hasn't dropped in a vB3 version..
We're all eagerly awaiting one. Several have been rumored and talked about, but nobody's released anything yet.
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Old 02-25-2004, 06:01 PM
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I believe KuraFire has wanted that market badly enough. I've seen several posts of his concerning his journal.
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Old 03-05-2004, 09:20 PM
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Are there any updates on any of these journals as of yet? I upgraded to VB3 already, and I hope something is released soon.
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  • fetch_musername
  • postbit_imicons
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_display_complete
  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete