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iTrader 2.1.0 (Interim Release)
Version: 2.1.0, by eoc_Jason eoc_Jason is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2020 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Profile Enhancements - Version: 3.7.1 Rating:
Released: 06-12-2008 Last Update: Never Installs: 413
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

To hold people over until I get the full updated version with new features released, I'm posting this Interim version that has been tested / updated for vBulletin 3.7.x

There are no new features in this release, it is simply compatability updates and minor bug fixes. There are changes to both files & templates, but no changes to the iTrader tables.


iTrader - A user feedback add-on for vBulletin 3.7.x
Copyright ?2004-2008 Jason Rabel, All Rights Reserved.
Latest iTrader Verson: 2.1.0
vB Versions Supported: 3.7.x
Author: Jason Rabel
Contact: PM me here.
Site: EXTREME Overclocking
iTrader for vBulletin has evolved from Trader Ratings for vB 3.0.x which evolved from Buy/Sell/Trade User Rating System for vB 2.x. This is a rating system for when members buy / sell / trade items from each other (presumably on a FS section of your forum). It is somewhat based on the honor system since there is no automatic way to truly tell if they did engage in a transaction. iTrader came about because it was a pain to try and maintain a single thread listing good / bad traders and so far has worked out quite well.

  • Rate another member: Positive / Negative / Neutral
  • Specify in each transaction: Buyer, Seller, or Trade
  • Leave multiple comments about the deal
  • Dates & IPs are all recorded to prevent abuse
  • Specify a thread URL to the deal
  • Advanced URL checking
  • Display ratings over time
  • Filter based on Buyer/Seller/Trade/or feedback they left for others
  • Users can edit/delete ratings left for others (time based limitation)
  • iTrader Admins can edit/delete anyone's ratings (just incase)
  • PM notification when new rating or comment is left
  • Per-usergroup permissions
  • Lots of admin controllable options

Installation / Upgrade Info:
Read the included readme file, it explains everything.

Standard Disclaimer:

This add-on will always be free, however your donations are kindly accepted and will help towards further development. The link is on the right under "The Developer" info.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-17-2008, 04:29 PM
soundbarrierpro soundbarrierpro is offline
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Thank you, I'm just glad you're looking into it. I'll keep an eye out here. Thanks.
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Old 11-17-2008, 10:29 PM
Chevy II Chevy II is offline
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Originally Posted by Digital Jedi View Post
Did you set the Administrator Usergroup to be iTrader admins?
I guess I haven't, where is this done? I haven't found any reference to this in the instructions, am I missing something?
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Chevy II View Post
I guess I haven't, where is this done? I haven't found any reference to this in the instructions, am I missing something?
That's what - Can Administrate Ratings is for.
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Old 11-19-2008, 12:41 AM
Chevy II Chevy II is offline
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Originally Posted by Digital Jedi View Post
That's what - Can Administrate Ratings is for.
If that's the case, then I have that set for the administrators in their usergroup, however, it's not working. It's not sending email to the admins when negative feedback is received.

Please don't take this personal, but I have really noticed when I read through the 23 pages of this thread, but when users ask a question, they're told, have you done this? When they could be told try this, step 1, step 2..., and explain. I think I asked/questioned three or four times about something, only to find out that I have that setting set properly and it's still not working.

As an estimation, we could probably lose half the pages of questions and answers in this mod if questions were actually answered directly.

JD, thanks again for your assistance, I appreciate what the knowledgeable people are doing here, but not everyone is at that level and they do require clear explanation.

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Old 11-19-2008, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Chevy II View Post
If that's the case, then I have that set for the administrators in their usergroup, however, it's not working. It's not sending email to the admins when negative feedback is received.

Please don't take this personal, but I have really noticed when I read through the 23 pages of this thread, but when users ask a question, they're told, have you done this? When they could be told try this, step 1, step 2..., and explain. I think I asked/questioned three or four times about something, only to find out that I have that setting set properly and it's still not working.

As an estimation, we could probably lose half the pages of questions and answers in this mod if questions were actually answered directly.

JD, thanks again for your assistance, I appreciate what the knowledgeable people are doing here, but not everyone is at that level and they do require clear explanation.

Well, there's a reason for that. And this question comes up a lot. I think it's important to explain why answers aren't always step by step explanations.

For one thing, telling a user to do Step 1, Step 2 isn't practical until you have some idea of the users level of experience. There's hundreds of users on this site daily and it's impossible to guess, or even remember, what a given user's knowledge of vB is. So if someone asks a basic question, you give a basic answer and only expand upon it if follow up questions are asked. This gives you a better idea of where they're at, and not to mention most of the time you could be thinking something totally different and answering a completely different question then the one asked.

In this case, I didn't really know you didn't understand where the permissions where set. When you asked where do I identify the iTrader Admin and I said in your User Group settings, there's no way I could have known that - Can Administer Ratings wouldn't be clear to you. Not until you asked a follow up question. Put simply, I just can't know when you didn't understand me until you tell me you didn't understand. And one can never know how much detail to add to an answer, without explaining everything you'd ever need to know at once. Basically, just repeating info you may not need. Proper support, even though I'm not the one supporting this modification, means Q&A back and forth until we both figure out what the problem is. That will always be more efficient then me just telling you what I don't know you don't know.

Now that we know you have actually set your iTrader Admins, we have to find a few more things. One, we need to know if your Admins all have their email addresses up to date. The other is we need to know if you email is just going into their Spam box. And we also need to know if emails are even being sent out by your server in the first place. Now, there's about a half dozen reasons why these could or could not be the case. But we need to figure that out first before we can move on to something else.
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Old 11-19-2008, 10:18 PM
Chevy II Chevy II is offline
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Originally Posted by Digital Jedi View Post
Now that we know you have actually set your iTrader Admins, we have to find a few more things. One, we need to know if your Admins all have their email addresses up to date. The other is we need to know if you email is just going into their Spam box. And we also need to know if emails are even being sent out by your server in the first place. Now, there's about a half dozen reasons why these could or could not be the case. But we need to figure that out first before we can move on to something else.
I guess being a registered license member since 2003 means... Anyways, to answer your questions. Both admins (I'm one of them), all have our email addresses up-to-date. I get email daily from the site, and it goes to my inbox, so no to the spam folder. I'm 100% sure that my server is sending email out, I setup and tested the sendmessage.php last night for unregistered users (Contact Us Link), and I got someones error today when they replied to a subscribed thread that they received.
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Chevy II View Post
I guess being a registered license member since 2003 means...
I don't judge folks by that. I just try to be clear.

Anyways, to answer your questions. Both admins (I'm one of them), all have our email addresses up-to-date. I get email daily from the site, and it goes to my inbox, so no to the spam folder. I'm 100% sure that my server is sending email out, I setup and tested the sendmessage.php last night for unregistered users (Contact Us Link), and I got someones error today when they replied to a subscribed thread that they received.
How about your suspicious activity emails? Have you tried assigning someone to test the system to see if you receive this email?
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Old 11-22-2008, 07:24 PM
silentcontrol silentcontrol is offline
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hey guys, how can I show "iTrader 0/0" in a normal post?

Like extreme overclocking
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Old 11-25-2008, 07:57 PM
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I dont know if it was mentioned yet, but the "correct" url depends on the hostname setting and when its set to "domain.tld", URLs with "www.domain.tld" are rejected and when the host/sitename is set to "www.domain.tld", then "domain.tld" is rejected.

Is there a way to allow both urls?
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Old 12-01-2008, 07:23 AM
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I've tried quite a few different things such as uninstalling, reinstalling and over riding yad yada yada, but always up with an error when editing usergroup permissions

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.4:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
	`title` = 'Banned Users',
	`description` = 'Banned Users',
	`usertitle` = 'BANNED',
	`opentag` = '<strong><font color=\"brown\">',
	`closetag` = '',
	`passwordexpires` = '0',
	`passwordhistory` = '0',
	`ispublicgroup` = '0',
	`canoverride` = '0',
	`radiotvpermissions` = '0',
	`forumpermissions` = '0',
	`genericpermissions` = '64',
	`attachlimit` = '0',
	`pmquota` = '0',
	`pmpermissions` = '0',
	`pmsendmax` = '0',
	`calendarpermissions` = '0',
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	`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '0',
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	`albumpermissions` = '0',
	`albumpicmaxwidth` = '0',
	`albumpicmaxheight` = '0',
	`albumpicmaxsize` = '0',
	`albummaxpics` = '0',
	`albummaxsize` = '0',
	`usercsspermissions` = '0',
	`visitormessagepermissions` = '0',
	`socialgrouppermissions` = '64',
	`itraderpermissions` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=8;

MySQL Error   : Unknown column 'itraderpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054
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