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vRewrite - SEOed URLs for vBulletin Details »»
vRewrite - SEOed URLs for vBulletin
Version: 1.5.1, by Immortal Immortal is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.3 Rating:
Released: 01-04-2006 Last Update: 05-15-2006 Installs: 506
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.


vRewrite is an advance but simple system to rewrite vB's URLs. The rewrite system uses preg_match_all and str_replace to rewrite the URLs. It will rewrite any URLs that are dynamic ex: showthread.php?t= to /the-forum/title-of-the-forum-id.html. Why? SEs (Search Engines) rate results based on filename. Not only that, but most SEs give a "boost" to static URLs (what we do here) versus dynamic URLs. vRewrite accomplishes both of this, for all URLs that a search engine (or a guest) will see.


Please download vRewrite.zip and read install.html for more information on how to install it.


vRewrite assumes that you are using Apache with the mod_rewrite module enabled, and running vBulletin 3.5.x. However, if you ask for support here on IIS' module or on vBulletin 3.0.x - I will be more then happy to assist you.


I would like to thank Chroder and Cole for assisting me release vRewrite. I could not have released it if it wasn't for them.

I would like to thank the following people/boards for helping beta test vRewrite and making it a better product.

Gaming Ultimate, BP Gaming, NBS Designz Cyclez, Hosting-Talk and Forum University.


I've spent many hours working and perfecting vRewrite. The only thing I ask you to do is if you use it, please keep the link back. If you wish to put it in your style instead, simply remove or comment out that line. However, if you use vRewrite you MUST link back. That is the only thing I ask.

Known Issues

There are no known issues with the latest release (1.0).

Support / Issues

If you have any problems or discover a bug please post here in this thread. I have also included my email in the install.html email for one-on-one support. The only thing I ask you is please do not post this email address publicly - it is my personal email.


1.5 Release - vRewrite 1.5 has become stable, and all users under 1.5 RC3 and 1.0 need to upgrade. Support for 1.0 will no longer be offered, and you will be told simply to upgrade. Please continue to keep all bug and feature suggestions on the bug tracker at:

1.1 Release - Several bug fixes, and a few new features. Details here.

03/26/06 - Updated the thread to reflect vRewrite 1.5 Beta links. vRewrite files has NOT changed.

03/11/06 - Updated the thread to take advantage of vB.org's new prefix feature. vRewrite itself has NOT changed.

1.0 Release (02/19/06) - I have released the much awaited 1.0. This is the first stable release of vRewrite. All users now should be safe installing vRewrite. For more information, and how to upgrade, please see here.

1.0 Preview (01/12/06) - I have released a preview version of 1.0. This is the final version before 1.0 is considered stable. I believe everything should work in this new preview, but one bug (see known issues). Please see here for more information and how to upgrade.

01/05/06 - Updated ZIP to include a fix for boards running a table prefix. You do not need to upgrade unless you previously had SQL errors. You can upgrade by importing the product and choose "Allow Overwrite".


Any donations are very much appreciated! I do this out of my free time and work many hours on it - all for free. Anything to help is always very welcomed

If you use vRewrite, please click Install. This helps you keep track of additional upgrades and shows to me that you care about vRewrite

You may not post vRewrite ZIP or any files contained in the ZIP on any website. You may not also post any support requests/give support on any website other then this one, without my permission. If you do so, you will get a DMCA for copyright infringement. I do not want this spread to pirated users. Please stop piracy and do not share the source outside of this thread and vB.org/com. Thanks.

Support will only be obtained at:

Supporters / CoAuthors

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-30-2006, 06:22 PM
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Another bug:

When posting, none of the WYSIWYG editor functions work correctly. All functions that refer to another file (i.e. misc.php for displaying the smiley list), return 404 errors.

I'm not sure where it's coming from either. I can't see the full URL it's trying to access.
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Old 01-31-2006, 12:49 AM
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Hi everyone.

I didn't see this answered anywhere already so I'm posting it now. I believe that I previously installed Deans hack and had the same problem so I uninstalled and installed this one and if I remember correctly the same thing happened.

In my forumhome everything is rewritten properly except only the first LAST TOPIC title and author are rewritten. All others below are not. Please see example below. Any advice or pointers please let me know.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:56 PM
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Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.
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Old 01-31-2006, 09:47 PM
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trilljester trilljester is offline
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Originally Posted by yayvb
Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.
It's happening to me too. I might have to turn this promising extension off. It appears to be way too unstable to be released in a non-test environment. I think the problem in the logic for gathering the URL to rewrite is flawed, and with no way to debug the output, it makes it that much harder to figure out where the problem is coming from.

EDIT: Here's a function I used a long time ago to strip characters that could cause problems when I was scanning a URL. It might be useful for this extension.

function make_url_safe($text) {
// Characters must be in ASCII and certain ones are not allowed.
 $text = html_entity_decode ($text);
 $text = str_replace(" / ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("/","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("'","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace(" - ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("_","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace(" ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ae", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "oe", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ue", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Ae", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Oe", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Ue", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ss", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "&", "and", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "%", "Percent", $text);
 $text = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", "", $text);
 $text = str_replace("----","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("---","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("--","-",$text);
return $text;
So pass the preg_replace'd URLs through this filter to help. I don't know, it's worth a shot.
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Old 01-31-2006, 10:46 PM
Immortal Immortal is offline
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Originally Posted by T2DMan
Getting the vBulletin url's corrected is certainly not a small task, and you have certainly done well getting this far. Yes, I happen to support the one rewrite that I consider does a 110% job at rewrites, but you are getting there.
Yup, I agree. There are still some quirks that I am working on ironing out. But with client work these past few weeks, it really has put me on a limited time budget.
Originally Posted by T2DMan
I like the nextthread/prevthread per hosting talk but the archive seems to be broken there.
The archive I cannot reproduce on my own site. So he may be using an outdated version that I have fixed by mistake (this was never reported as a bug before).
Originally Posted by T2DMan
That you recommend the use of the vbulletin option to have the archive linking directly to the actual threads. This gets the most Google PR/link value etc to the actual threads - this was an option I was able to get added to vBulletin 3.5.
I haven't had time to figure out how to do 301 redirects. I had a failed attempt, which I posted in my support thread, but sadly never got answered. I'll take another stab once I get all the known bugs ironed out.

Originally Posted by T2DMan
[*]And that the thread url on the archive is rewritten.
What would you like to see them to get rewitten to? The same format vRewrite does it to?
Originally Posted by T2DMan
[*]when the root forum url is linked, that instead of it being "/index.php", that it be just "/". Matt Cutts says Google is working on determining what url should be the correct url, but better that each site do it for themselves.
Never heard of that one, but I'm not quite sure on how I would go about doing that. May be just a simple str_replace, I'll take a stab at that one.
Originally Posted by T2DMan
You are working on the newpost/latest post? - in the pre 3.5 vBulletin, my rewrite kept the initial url, but then when it searched for the url in the php, it then did a 301 redirect to the proper url - correctly paginated. That general logic should be able to be coded for your plugins. Rather similar to what you have done for the nextthread/previous thread
It rewrites the actual newpost/latest post, but I cannot figure out how to fix the redirect for the life of me. May have to add that as a code mod. I'm clueless at that one as is Cole and Chroder (Thanks again guys for all the help and assistance!)
Originally Posted by T2DMan
there will be other issues, but those are the ones I see at the moment.[/list]Google SiteMap

Should be an easy job to either mod my vbgsitemap, or the vbseo one for your url's.
Plans is it get all bugs fixed first, and then I'll try and work on something. That is, unless you want to do it

Originally Posted by T2DMan
No mention of seo'ing of vBulletin is complete without talking about onpage SEO.

If the first words of the title are the words that you are optimizing for, then this phrase should also be in the meta description twice, in an h1, and then repeated in sentence/paragraph form immediately following the h1. Most people posting threads do not repeat the title in the text they write, so repeating it via a formula makes sense. In looking around the forums mentioned on this thread I have seen a few using my formula. In general, with a proper url rewrite (almost achieved here), plus great onpage SEO I have been able to get many vBulletin sites so that their forums and threads are all showing high on the SERP's.

And with good search phrase selection, those pages are then able to get good traffic for the forums.

The onpage hints are just the same as needed for any site, and can be found on most SEO pages, but I have some specific template changes mentioned on my Search Engine Optimize vBulletin 3.5 thread.
I'll try and read up on more vB SEO, but currently it just rewrites URLs. A small step, but it's still a step
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Old 01-31-2006, 10:53 PM
Immortal Immortal is offline
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Originally Posted by trilljester
Excellent job! I missed all of my rewritten URLs when I converted from IPB to VBulletin. I know that Google can handle dynamic URLs to a degree, but I think this will improve my rankings out there.
Great to hear, always happy to help anyone who converted from IPB I feel bad for you that you had to use that :nervous:

Originally Posted by trilljester
1. Send thread to a friend does not work. I commented it out for the plugin code, and now it's fine. It kept reporting a thread not found error, or something to that effect. The URL looked good, not sure where the problem was.
Would you mind uncommenting that line out and posting the error? My URL is:

And it's working just fine for me.
Originally Posted by trilljester
2. Viewing public profile of users has some issues. This is somewhat complicated, so I'll try my best to explain:

My user ID is #1. I have another frequent poster who's ID is 14. When we both post in a thread, her profile comes up as mine.

To see this in action, visit this thread:


To see the bad behavior, hover over the first poster's url, and it reads:

The second post down was posted by Earthrooster. her user ID is 14. The URL for her profile is messed up. it reads:


My profile works great though, as evidenced later in the thread:

It appears the regular expression is a little too general, and probably needs to be refined.
This is another weird issue. It works on some boards, and doesn't on others. I'm not too sure on how I can fix my preg on that one. I'll try and take a look into it but I'm in doubt that I'll fix it.
Originally Posted by trilljester
Other than that, everything else appears to be working great! I'll probably add some custom rewrites for my arcade, and can post them here, unless you have someplace else that we can post our custom rewrites for the next version?
Please do. And I'll add them to the hack description
Originally Posted by trilljester
Another bug:

When posting, none of the WYSIWYG editor functions work correctly. All functions that refer to another file (i.e. misc.php for displaying the smiley list), return 404 errors.

I'm not sure where it's coming from either. I can't see the full URL it's trying to access.
Hm, weird. Can you give me a link on that one? I'm not a fan of the WYSIWYG editor and never really thought to test it...
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Old 01-31-2006, 10:58 PM
Immortal Immortal is offline
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Originally Posted by yayvb
Hi everyone.

I didn't see this answered anywhere already so I'm posting it now. I believe that I previously installed Deans hack and had the same problem so I uninstalled and installed this one and if I remember correctly the same thing happened.

In my forumhome everything is rewritten properly except only the first LAST TOPIC title and author are rewritten. All others below are not. Please see example below. Any advice or pointers please let me know.

Was reported and fixed.
Originally Posted by yayvb
Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.
Was reported and issued a temporary fix.

Originally Posted by trilljester
It's happening to me too. I might have to turn this promising extension off. It appears to be way too unstable to be released in a non-test environment. I think the problem in the logic for gathering the URL to rewrite is flawed, and with no way to debug the output, it makes it that much harder to figure out where the problem is coming from.

EDIT: Here's a function I used a long time ago to strip characters that could cause problems when I was scanning a URL. It might be useful for this extension.
There's a function already to replace bad characters please see the above for fixes.
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Old 01-31-2006, 11:39 PM
T2DMan T2DMan is offline
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[*]And that the thread url on the archive is rewritten.

What would you like to see them to get rewitten to? The same format vRewrite does it to?
The sitemap should be linking direct to the threads, and the thread url should be your rewritten url. This means there is no extra copy of the thread, it gives the thread another text link with its search phrase, and means that there are not too many clicks from any one page to get to any other thread. All things that are important for SEO.
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Old 02-01-2006, 01:28 AM
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Anyone else having problems where it starts to randomly make the URL's bad?

Such as http://www.gsnforce.com/forum/commen...s/newreply.php

Obviously that URL wouldn't exist...any explaination?
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Old 02-01-2006, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Immortal
Was reported and fixed.

Was reported and issued a temporary fix.

There's a function already to replace bad characters please see the above for fixes.
Have you updated the pack with the new bug fixes yet?
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